\.More And More./

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Saturday, - September 10, 1988

I shouted, each one of us running towards the other.
"SISTAA!I'm soooo happy I have you back now!"
She exclaimed, hugging me tightly.
"I love you Adri!Gurl, I'm so happy too!Can't wait to tell you everything!"
I told her, grabbing one of her two bags as we made our way out of the airport through the big hall to walk towards my car.
"Oh man - almost forgot about that!You MET MICHA-"
I quickly interrupted her.
"You met Michael Jackson!"
She whispered, causing me to laugh.
"Yes I did!Oh, I'm so happy that you could come for the concert!"
"That's gonna be so awesome!"
She smiled.
"Yeah, especially since 125.000 people are watching him - I just hope we'll be able to see him somehow."
"Sure!I mean - even if not...We're going to a concert of your soon-to-be-husband, that's the best thing ever!"
She smirked at me.
"Adri, we're not even together - you're so stupid sometimes!"
I shook my head, smiling.
"Well, not yet...But since I know you love him more than anything and because of the fact that there's no man living on this earth who could resist your charm, you two are gonna be a thing sooner or later!We make a deal, ok?When we get home, we sit down and talk about every little detail like: how he reacts to you saying something or what he uses for words when he talks to you and stuff like that an-"
"And then?"
"And then...I'm gonna tell you what I think of the whole situation - if he's falling for you or not!"
"And I thought I'd be the psychologist here..."
We both laughed as we approached my car.

3 hours later...
"Ok and...do you guys hug when you see each other?"
She asked, looking at me like I was going to get married any time soon.
"Well, sure...whe-"
"Sure?SURE?!Girl, you're gonna get married, Imma tell ya!"
She dramatically dropped her pen, making a face as if she'd just said the most beautiful thing in the world.
"ADRI!You are so crazy!"
I laughed.
"Thanks...But - for real now!When you two meet, you're hugging each other everytime?"
"Yeah, I guess so..."
I scratched my head.
"Good...And - and does he tease you or make fun of you sometimes?"
I don't know what she's talking about.
I shook my head, thinking of my last visit where he acted as if I wanted to kill him or could be dangerous.
"Aww, this is so cute!"
She smiled brightly.
"But you didn't kiss, didn't you?"
"Adri, if I had kissed him, do you really believe I'd sit here with such a calm ass?Gurl, if I'd kissed that delicious lips...First of all - you'd be the first one to know it and second - I'd be dead by now.Gone and buried, forever."
She laughed.
"I take that as a no then."
"Yeah, thanks.But...but we really - you know, he always stares into my eyes and I gaze into his and then everything else fades...and-"
"You lil' hoe, are you blind?"
She stood up from my bed, taking a deep breath out.
"Oh, here comes the story of the human's evolution people - listen up!"
I teased her.
"Shut up!"
She laughed, adjusting her glasses and running her fingers through her thick black hair.She cleared her throat, looking at me.
"Ok, listen.We're both fans of him for as long as I can remember, right?"
I nodded my head.
"And we've stalked this man, we know how he acts and why he says certain things.So what do we know?
First: He's shy but once you know him and keep in touch with him, you'll find out that he's very funny, teasing-"
She smirked at me.
"and is someone who can tell beautiful stories as well as he's a great listener.
Second: When he likes a woman, he's not telling it directly into her face but gives her hints.So he flirts and teases and is just very polite, am I right?"
I answered, thinking about how the things that she told me were so obviously starting to add up.
"Ok, good - and then
Third: He probably doesn't even know if he's falling for that certain girl or not, so he needs time..."
She sat back on the bed, folding her legs.
"Miriam Elena Abelin, after all the things you told me about him and everything you already did together, don't you think he starts to see more in you than just a friend?"
I shrugged my shoulders, definitely not being able to answer this question.
"Look, you already know this but I'm gonna tell you again.You're a beautiful person - inside and out!Your face is like a painting, you've got an amazing figure-"
"So do you, Adri!"
"Shhhh!No!Lemme finish."
I laughed.
"I don't know if he's got any specific type of girls but I don't think so since he's dated Tatum and also fell for Diana Ross - but I know that if this woman is making him feel something he never felt before, I think he's aware of the love in front of him!You'd be so perfect as his girl...Honestly.You don't have a big ass mouth, aren't to straight-in-your-face, you are polite, funny, caring, always have been there for me and others to help, you don't give a flying shit about money or material things AHAND you love him too!So tell me why there'd be something that should stand between you two?"
She asked, smiling at me.
"Of course you won't get together in the next few days since he just knows you for a couple of weeks...But with time...I really believe that there's a good chance for you two to become a couple."
"I don't think so..."
I sighed.
"I mean, there're so many girls and women out there who could love him just as much as I do and are probably nice as hell.And look at the girl he's already dated or is befriended with...Tatum, Diana, Brooke - I mean, come on...Brooke is so beautiful!And there're so much more women who are around him since they're in the show business as well.Tatiana, Sheryl...just to name two of them."
"Then tell me, why does he want you to come over to his hotel two times for dinner?Why does he wanna have your number and address, why does he get you freaking concert tickets to see him performing live on the stage?Why does he let you take him out to a shopping trip, take a walk with him at night in motherfucking PARIS which is the most romantic city in the whole world!Why does he do everything possible to keep you near him?"
She looked deep into my eyes as she found me being totally lost for words by what she just pointed out.
"Well...be-because he...thinks I'm quite nice?"
"No honey, it's cause he really likes you.Because he wants to get to know you better.Because he likes to tease you and have fun with you.Because he thinks you're one of the most beautiful things he's ever seen since he made you so many compliments already."
She took my hands into her small ones.
"Because he probably finds himself falling in love with you, more and more - every single day."
"God Adri, I-"
"Yup, I'm also about to cry!"
She weakly smiled at me, pulling me into a warm hug.Suddenly we heard the phone ring.I quickly stood up from my cozy bed, sighing while I walked towards the telephone.
"Wait a second, gotta answer this real quick."
I told her as she nodded her head.Then I picked up the phone.
"Hello?Mira here."
"Hey Mira, here's Michael.I...I just wanted to make sure that you didn't forget about the - concert tomorrow..."
I happily exclaimed, making Adri look like a dog that just heard the door bell ring.She quickly stood up from my bed, running towards me and closely tried to listen to every single word he and I would exchange.
"I'm so glad you're calling - and of course I did not forget about the concert, how could I?"
I giggled.
"Good!I'm also a bit excited to be honest...This is the largest amount of people I've ever performed for!And it's in Liverpool - the birthplace of the Beatles!"
He exclaimed, sounding so cute - like a little child.
"Oh, I didn't know that!Well, good luck then - because if you mess up Mr.Jackson, the whole world will talk about it..."
I laughed.
"No, I'm joking.You won't mess up..."
"Well, thanks for the motivating words Miss."
He giggled as I could picture him shaking his head right now.
"I was joking...But honestly, I know this will be great!"
"Thank you!Oh, I - I gotta hang up now, we have a meeting planned for 12...But - maybe I'll spot you in the crowd tomorrow."
"Sure, since there are only 125.000 people!Shouldn't be a problem..."
I answered sarcastically, laughing to myself.
"I'm sure I'll find you - you...stand out!"
I giggled.
"In a positive way of course.I just search for the brightest smile and most shining eyes and then I got you!"
He playfully added.
"Aww, thank you!"
"You're welcome...Ok, I'm sure we see each other there, or I call you again."
"Yeah, sounds good!"
I smiled
"Then...see you tomorrow."
"I hope so!"
He said, making me giggle again.
"Bye Michael..."
Was the last thing I heard before hanging up the phone as a totally excited and squealing Adriana stood in front of me.
She screamed, hugging me, quickly after letting go again.
"Hey, if you two get children, will you name them after me?"
She smirked at me.I missed her so much.

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