\.Don't Worry./

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Monday, - November 14, 1988

"Caddie, can you give me the sugar, please?"
I asked, wanting to pour it into my coffee.Yesterday had become a long long day as well since I arrived around 2 in the morning and to be honest, I wasn't really able to sleep afterwards since my little crazy daydream totally put me off my stride!
She gave me a quick smile, handing me the little box of sugar.
I yawned, feeling my eyes burning from the tiredness.
"When did you actually got home yesterday?You look like you could need some sleep...Did the concert last a little longer as planned?"
She smirked at me.
"No, I - I got home around 2 and then I wasn't able to sleep and...yeah."
I giggled.
"Oh, well maybe you should go and lie down a bit.You shouldn't be starting to work or do the paperwork for your applications anyway - you need to rest because of that brain concussion, hun."
"Yeah, I know - but I need to get so much done and-"
"Mira, I will now officially force you to walk the hell up to your room, lie down in your warm bed and read a freaking book.Today's my day-off anyway - so I'll take care of Annie and the rest."
She smiled, taking the coffee out of my hand as she practically pushed me towards my room, leading me up the stairs.
"Here.Your room, a bed and nice and cozy sheets."
She went to my bed, patting on the pillow as if I was a dog.
"Come here."
I laughed.
"Do you really think this is a good idea?What if someo-"
"Yes, totally!"
She assured me as I placed my worn-out body under the indeed cozy sheets.I sighed.
"Am I at least allowed to listen to some music or the radio?"
I looked up at her.
"Sure but don't turn it too loud.You need to rest for a bit, ok?"
She looked at me, worried.
"Yup, I promise.And...thank you for being so caring - and stupid."
We both laughed as she walked out of my white painted room.
"You're welcome, Mira!I'm gonna make you breakfast then."
I took a deep breath out, turning on the little red radio my mom once got me for Christmas and let my body fall back on the matress as Sussudio by Phil Collins started to play - a song I always associated with my father since he had made me listen to it.I closed my eyes, quietly singing along.

A few minutes later...
"Oh, thanks so much Caddie!"
I happily exclaimed, looking at the huge plate filled with little pancakes and some berries on top.She had also handed me a glass of orange juice, knowing just how much I needed that right now...She smiled at me but suddenly her eyes got bigger when she put her finger on her mouth, showing me to be quiet.Then she turned the volume of my little radio up.

"...So, unfortunately that means that the next five shows which were actually about to take place in the next days, will be cancelled.All we can say now is, that the tickets and the belonging prices will either be replaced or the concerts will be probably rescheduled for dates yet to be announced by the management of MJ!But we'll try our best to keep you all updated on this topic."

A male voice spoke up as the one of a woman continued.

"Just to quickly summarize the bad news again: Due to his swollen vocal chords after yesterday's performance, Michael Jackson will not be able to perform here at the Memorial Sports Arena in L.A.!More details to that later...And now, we'll continue with another outstanding artist-"
I turned off the radio, looking at Cadence.
"What does that mean?Oh god!I - I need to ca-"
"No no no, you need to eat breakfast first, then you ca-"
I interrupted her, standing up from my bed to search for the card he sent me where is number was written on.
"I can't, I need to know what happened to him and how bad his condition is."
She sighed, knowing that she couldn't stop me from doing so since I'd already found and opened the envelope I'd been searching for.
"Ahh, got it!"
I quickly ran downstairs to the telephone, quickly dialing his number.

"Hello, Jackson here."
I heard a quite raspy voice answering the phone.
"Michael? - Hey, this is Mira here."
"Oh, hi!I - I'm sorry I cant talk that loud...I-"
"Yeah I already know, I just heard about it in the radio.They said that your vocal chords are swollen and you had to cancel the five remaining concerts here in L.A., is that true?"
"Yeah, I-"
He cleared his throat.
"Unfortunately I got the constant feeling of having to clear my throat yesterday night after the concert and when I - woke up this morning, my throat hurt like crazy and I can barely speak, and don't even think about the singing."
He said, sounding really sad.
"Well, the most important thing is that you get healthy!Don't worry about the concerts Michael.I'm sure you'll be able to reschedule them later on, ok?"
I heard him clearing his throat again.This poor guy.
"Yeah, I - I'll try."
"Good...and make sure to really rest for now.You need it."
Funny, I feel as if someone had just told me the same a couple of minutes ago...
"And stay hydrated, that's very important.Oh and wearing a scarf to keep your throat warm will also help you recover quickly."
I explained, causing him to giggle.
"Yes, thank you - I already talked to my doctor this morning and he told me just the same!But I - I make sure to do so, I mean if you say so."
I chuckled.This man was sick as hell and still funny to talk to.I love him.
"I really hope this is gonna help you Michael..."
I sighed, feeling sorry for him not being able to make his fans happy and spread his love through the amazing performances.
"I'm sure it does - I seem to have a very good and caring doctor though."
"Oh ,that's good.What's his name?"
I asked, maybe he'd be someone I would know.
"Oh - no I...I was talking about you actually..."
We both giggled.
"Ohh..well, then - thanks for that!"
I answered, feeling an enormous smile on my face.

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