\.Stupid Not To./

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Friday - January 6, 1989

"So, what is it about those papers right there?"
He asked, pointing towards the documents which I had placed next to me on the table as he poured some more orange juice into our glasses.
"Oh, these...That's the folder where I put in the answers from the different clinics."
I answered , looking at him as he raised his eyebrow at me.
"Clini- ohh, you mean your applications."
He nodded his head.
"And?Do you already know which one of them will enroll you?"
I looked at the documents, then back at him.
Shaking my head, I took a sip from my orange juice before placing the little spoon back on my now empty plate.I wiped my mouth with the white napkin, putting it back as well.
"Well...don't you - wanna know the answe-"
I quickly interrupted him, clearing my throat.
He raised his eyebrows at me, leaning back into his chair.
"I - sorry.I didn't mean to push you or something...Take - take your time with that."
I sighed, taking a deep breath out.
"No...Don't be sorry.I - I didn't mean to sound rude, it's just that...these papers will have a huge impact on my life and - I don't know if...I don't know if there's at least one clinic which will take me."
"Mira...Then just read the documents.Take a look at it, sooner or later you'll eventually have to do so anyway, don't you think?"
He asked as I stood up from the chair, lightly pushing it back towards the dining table.I looked out of the window at the meadow and trees.
"I - I'm just afraid, you know?These papers have been sent to me like one or two weeks ago - and I didn't open the envelopes.I'm just...too chicken."
I looked down at my nails, soon after hearing his contagious laughter from across the table.I looked up again.
I asked, not being able to hide my smile.
"You're not a chicken.More like - a hot chick!"
I shook my head, laughing.
"Michael...we really gotta improve your humor."
Standing up from his chair, he approached me and grabbed my hand.
"Come, let's - take a walk.It's beautiful outside!And then we'll take a look at the answers, ok?"
His eyes gazed into mine and somehow I wasn't able to disagree.
"Yeah, let's go."
I scratched my head as he let go of my hand and grabbed the envelopes from the table.
"I'm gonna go get your jacket."
His voice echoed through the room as he jogged through the dining room to the big entrance hall.I sighed, taking a deep breath as I followed him through the house.

He opened the huge door, letting me go first.
"You've got the -"
He completed my question.
"Yeah, I do."
Smiling at me, he took on his coat as we both walked down the stairs which belonged to the porch.I quickly adjusted my brown jacket.

I quickly adjusted my brown jacket

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A couple of minutes later...
"And?You...wanna check on them?"
He carefully asked, holding the envelopes up in the air.
"Yeah, let's get this over with."
I stretched my neck, giving him a weak smile.
"You wanna - sit down here?"
I asked him, pointing towards the stones of the bridge we were standing on.
He quickly walked towards the side of it, sitting down as he looked back at me.He extended his arm as I took his hand, sitting down next to him as well.I let my head fall onto his arm.
"Michael, I don't wanna know the results.Can you take a look and just read it out?"
I whined, closing my eyes as my forehead was now being pressed against his shoulder.
"Of course..."
He politely answered as I felt his head being placed on top of mine.
"Okay, let's start with the first one."
Lightly clearing his throat, I could hear him opening the thick paper of the envelope.
"This is from, Children's Hospital of Orange County, 1201 W La Veta Avenue, Orange, California 92868, USA.
Dear Ms. Abelin,
Thank you very much for your application for the position of psychologist regarding pediatric, as well as adulterous treatment at Children's Hospital of Orange County.Af-"
"Michael...can you - can you just read out the result please?"
I nervously giggled, wanting to know the answer straight away.
"Oh, yeah...sure!"
He went on after a pause.
"They...they can't take you rather than want to.They write that another application which had been sent to them a couple of weeks earlier is already considered as the psychologist in that position."
I sighed.
"Ok...go on then."
"You - are you alright?"
I looked up from his shoulder, then let my head fall back onto it.
"Sure, I already have the feeling these results are gonna be just great."
I sighed again, hearing his giggles as he took the next envelope, opening it.
"Ok...this one's from L.A. - Mattel's Children Hospital UCLA."
He didn't say much after this, not until I heard his soft voice again - louder this time.
"Hey!They want you - but...oh -"
"Only as a substitute psychologist because theirs is still under maternity protection."
I shook my head.
"No that...that won't help me much.I need a clinic that offers me a job for at least one or two years, so that I can learn properly.No, I can't take that one..."
I felt his chest slowly lifting up and down as he seemed to reach out for another paper.
"Ok, new letter - new luck...This -"
I opened my eyes a little to see him opening the next one.
"L.A. also.To make it short...they - won't take you since they already got two trainees which need to be trained first before they enroll someone else."
"Okay...how many do we have left?"
I asked.
"Uhm...thr- no!Two."
"Wait - but I...I wrote six applications!"
I exclaimed.
"Oh.Well, I - I guess some clinics just don't care and don't...answer.Shall I - go on?"
"Yeah yeah, it can only get better, right?"
I buried my head even more into his shoulder.
His warm voice made me look up again.As my eyes met his brown ones, the sun was shining right into them - and it looked indescribably beautiful.
"Those rejections do not say anything about the way you work, so don't you dare think you can't make it - just because they simply can't take you, okay?And...we still got two letters left."
I nodded, my head being placed back on his shoulder again.
"Yup...you're right."
"So...the next one is from Washington...You - sent an application so far away?"
He asked, sounding a bit surprised.
"Yeah, I... that's where my parents live and my grandma."
"Oh, okay...Well -"
He seemed to read the letter carefully since I didn't hear anything but the birds and floating water below.
"They - would take you!"
My head practically shot up from his shoulder.
"Yeah but...ouh, you can't start there until - June?!"
I moaned, tilting my head backwards.
"That's too long to wait!"
I whined.
"What - what about the last one?"
He quickly put the paper aside, taking the last remaining envelope into his hands.
"That's from - Rochester?"
He took a closer look at the envelope, then back at me.
"Rochester is even - further away than Washington."
"I know...my best friend's living there and...well, it was kinda one of my last choices but - yeah.I don't think they're gonna take me anyway - after all those rejections..."
"Then...let's get the answer to that."
He smirked, opening the envelope as I looked across the sunny scenery, letting my eyes travel around the little lake, the meadow, trees and flowers.
"Mira!They - will take you!"
He exclaimed, although he sounded more wondering than happy.
"Really?That's - I can't believe it!Soo...They did indeed decide to enroll me?!"
He looked into my eyes, smiling at me.
"They'd be stupid not to."
And before I knew it, I was already pulled into a hug.
"I told you you can make it anywhere you want to."
He whispered as the sunlight shined down on me - but for some odd reason, I didn't feel that happy or good about the job...
"Why aren't you - smiling?This is a great job offer, Mira!"
He explained, looking confused.
"I know but...that really is quite far away from - here."
"Yeah, that's...true I guess."
He answered as I tried to read his facial expressions.
Is he - sad?

20 minutes later...
"Soo, Rochester it is, huh?"
He asked from next to me as we continued to walk back to his house.
"Yeah, I - guess.Well, at least Adri's living there so that I'm not all by myself..."
I lightly scratched my head before grabbing my jacket a bit tighter.
"You know I'm - just wondering...why - why didn't you write some more applications for L.A., or somewhere else in California?Don't you think there would've been at least one clinic that would've been taking you?"
"I don't know...I just - thought that whoever would take me, that'd be the right decision.I strongly believe in fate, so..."
"Oh, me too!But - now I'm starting to hate it..."
I looked to the side, only to meet his eyes which were only staring at me.
"Fate.I'm - starting to hate fate, now."
I giggled at his statement, tugging my arm into his.

Later on that day...
"Oh, that's Blanca."
He suddenly got up from the couch we had been sitting on as soon as the door was being opened.Then he quickly headed towards the entrance hall.
"Just wait here for a second - I'll be back soon!"
He shouted through the dining room as I nodded my head.But as soon as he left the room, I already found myself standing up from the couch as well and tiptoeing towards the entrance hall - I was just too curious.
"You've got everything?"
I heard Michael ask his maid.
"Yeah, I - went to several jewelry stores and...well, eventually I think I got what you told me to buy."
"Great!Perfect.Then, would you please bring that up to my bedroom, so that I can take a closer look at it later on today?"
He politely asked.
"Sure, is there anything else I could do for you two, or..."
"No.No, I don't think so.But thanks for everything, I don't know how I would've done this without your help, Blanca."
She giggled as I bent my head further towards the hall before I headed back towards the living room.She looked really nice.She was probably in her mid - 40's or 50's, had black shoulder length hair and a cute italian accent.I quickly sat back down into one of the big armchairs as I could already hear his footsteps coming closer.
"Sorry, I - are you...Weren't you sitting on the couch when I left?"
Great, now he's also Sherlock...
"Uhh, yeah - I -"
I stuttered.
"But the sunlight was starting to blend me, so I chose to change seats, you know?"
I took a look at the curtains which were luckily placed to the side so that my story added up, giving him an innocent smile.
"Oh okay, well I - just needed to ask her something, that's all.Did I - already show you the train station though?"
"No, I - you wanna take a ride?"
I smirked, soon after realizing that this question could be interpreted quite differently...I slapped my forehead, hearing him laugh at my statement as I stood up.
"You know, let's just - go outside to the station."
I shook my head, chuckling at my stupidity.
"Just that you know-"
He lightly grabbed my arm, turning me around.
"I would have no objection to you doing that."
He smirked.
"Very funny, Sir."

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