\.Deep Down./

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Sunday, - January 8, 1989

I slowly walked down the stairs which lead directly to our big living room as I tried to be as quiet as I could.Not wanting to wake everybody up since they were still all sleeping, I continued to tiptoe my way towards the ground floor.Lightly scratching my head, I rubbed my tired eyes as a big yawn escaped my mouth.I stretched my back, letting my eyes travel across the indeed messy room.I sighed - the party my friends had thrown for me had been really amazing, not only because they had invited so many of our friends but also for I got the chance to celebrate with the people I love so so very much.One last time before leaving, one last time before starting a different life in a city, far far away from here.
Focusing back on the couch and armchairs next to it, I noticed half empty wine glasses, bottles, plates and little bowls still filled with snacks standing around practically everywhere.Some blankets and pillows were either placed on the floor, or hung over the couch and chairs.Eventually reaching the floor, I realized that this mess had to be cleaned up by no one else than my holy self...The sunlight was softly shining through the rather thick silky curtains as I noticed some dust particles floating in the air.It was quite sticky in here...
I quickly walked towards the windows, realizing that I had to practically stamp through the room to wake them all up since they were surely having a bad hangover.Pushing the curtains aside, I opened the huge windows so that the precious morning air could refresh the house.I looked over the truly beautiful scenery, taking one step out on our terrace.Although it was a rather cold morning today, the sun was shining so strongly that it warmed up my whole body.I closed my eyes, only being able to hear the waves brushing over each other.
Only me, the wind and nature.Only the sunlight, water and - wait.Where's Annie?
I turned around, taking a closer look at the living room as I saw a big bunch of fur laying against the wall.
I called her name as her big fluffy head moved into my direction, the rest of her body soon after following as her tail started to swing from left to right.
"Heyyyy, where's my little sunshine?Oh, I missed you too."
She started licking my face, squealing a little.
"Yeah yeah...I know - but I gotta clean this whole mess up first!Then we'll take a walk, ok?"
She looked at me with her brown eyes which - as strange as it may sound - reminded me so much of Michael's, it was almost scary.I ruffled my hands through her fur, quickly getting up from the floor again for I really had to take care of this living room...

50 minutes later...
I let my body fall on the couch, still holding the rag in my hand.Feeling totally exhausted since I didn't get much sleep last night, I deeply sighed as I got up from the couch again to make myself some coffee.

I closed my thermos jug with the hot coffe inside, grabbing it as I headed to the door.
"Annie, come!"
She immediately got up, running towards me as I opened the door.I quickly grabbed the keys, putting on my coat as I took the black dog leash into my other hand.As I turned my head to the right, I saw my dog already sitting on the ground, waiting for me to decide where we'd be going.
"You - wanna go see the ocean?"
Her tail immediately started to swing.
"Okay, then...go ahead!I'm following you, Miss."
I chuckled to myself, watching her run down the street until she reached the stone stairs which led directly to the long sandy beach of Malibu.

At the beach...
"You know what?I think we should use this beautiful morning to go swimming...You wanna wait here - or join me?"
I raised my eyebrows at her, smirking as she already ran towards the waves.I then quickly took off my jogging pants along with my white shirt as also my bra and panties remained on the sand.Since there was not a single person in sight, I quickly run to the blue ocean, brushing my hair out of my face.With the water only being inches apart from my feet, I took a step further as the cold waves touched my skin.My feet at first, then I continued to slowly walk on until my legs were covered in the ocean water as well.I quickly dived under, taking a deep breath as the rest of my body got out of the water again.Not only was I wide awake by now, I also realized that something on my hand was starting to burn - my cut.
I shrugged it off, swimming a few meters away from the sand.I turned around to let my eyes meet the long beach and its beautiful houses, making some bigger business and company buildings visible.I would miss this place for sure and deep down I knew that I didn't want to leave - neither this place and not even less him.
And although I don't know what we have nor what we truly are, I'm certain of one thing for sure: He's someone so angelic and overwhelming I never met before and I...need him.
Tilting my head backwards, I let out a deep breath as I thought about why my life always had to end up in such a mess.All those things that had happened to me over the last months, the emotions - that all got me pretty much questioning my entire existence to be honest.

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