\.One Second Chance./

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Sunday, - December 25, 1988

Ahh, it's finally Christmas!The day you're waiting for all December long.
"Mommy, can we go open the presents now?Can't we just eat after that?"
Nina, my other cousin, whined as she looked at my aunt with her blue pleading eyes.
"No, honey.First - dinner, then we're gonna take care of your presents, ok?"
She answered, focusing back on the big dining table as I gave her an understanding look.Luckily, the brother of my father and his wife (yeah, the one who doesn't like me), did just arrive a few hours ago, so that we were still able to have dinner all together.
"Well, then...I'm so thankful that y'all are here now - healthy and happy.You're the people I love the most and I'm truly grateful to call you my family."
My mother explained after standing up from her chair.
"Then - enjoy the dinner, I hope it turns out to be just as delicious as it looked in the magazine."
She warmly smiled, looking at us.
"Thanks mom.I'm sure it's gonna be great!"
I assured her as Henry cleared his throat.
"Could you - hand me the potatoes please?"
He asked his wife as she gave him the bowl.I quickly grabbed two small ones out of it before he'd get the bowl, smirking at him as I placed them on Catie's plate.
"You want some meat?"
I asked her as she immediately shook her head.
"Eww!I don't like that!"
She exclaimed, looking at the big plate of meat in front of her.
Alice dared her.I leaned towards my little cousin, whispering in her ear:
"I don't like meat either.It's so disgusting, right?We can share some vegetables and potatoes if you want."
I winked at her, causing her mouth to be formed to a big smile.
"Yes!That's a good idea."
I nodded my head, putting some warm carrots, bell peppers and other vegetables on her plate as well as on mine shortly after.

During dinner...
"And here's the cake!"
My grandma proudly presented the huge cake, decorated with snowflakes and a little snowman on top.Carefully carrying it towards the table, I quickly stood up from my chair to help her put it on it safely.
"Thanks, darling."
She smiled.
"So...whose tummies aren't that full so that they could still need a bit of that delicious-"
Suddenly the door bell rang and my mother immediately stood up from her chair.
"It's ok mom.I'm gonna go - sit down..."
I gave her a quick smile, heading towards the door as I walked through our huge living room, the Christmas decorations being placed almost everywhere I looked.I grabbed the door knob, pushing it down to open the door and I couldn't believe who was standing right before me.
I asked, sounding as if a serial killer was about to cut my head off.His cold blue eyes met mine, making all the beautiful memories soon being replaced by hurt coming back.
"Hey, I'm...also happy to see you."
He smirked.
"Sorry, I...didn't mean to sound that horrified.I just - didn't expect you to come here, that's all."
I ran my fingers through my hair which I had been curling ealier.
"Oh, yeah I - your mom told me that you'd come over for Christmas and I-"
"Oh really?She didn't tell me she met you."
I was knocking her out inside my head.Why did she have to tell him?
- my freaking ex!
"Well, I guess she forgot - it was three or four weeks ago though."
He adjusted his black blazer and that's when I noticed that he had a bunch of red roses in his left hand.
"Here...uhm - these are for you."
He stuttered, handing me the flowers.
"Oh, thank you."
I carefully grabbed them as our fingers slightly touched, sending shivers down my spine for his touch used to give me so much pleasure but also caused me so much pain.He bit his bottom lip, slowly examining my short rose golden dress.

He bit his bottom lip, slowly examining my short rose golden dress

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"They're - really beautiful..."
I looked up from the roses, only to find him still staring at me.
"Not as much as you."
I cleared my throat, feeling my cheeks turning bright red.
"Miles, what - what do you want?"
He took a step closer.
"I needed to see you again, Mira.I missed you."
He explained.
"Can we - talk, please?I promise it won't take long..."
He looked at me with pleading eyes.
"But it's Christmas and I-"
"Right, the perfect time to make someone fulfill their wish."
As I saw him smirking, the smile on my face started to build up automatically.I sighed.
I'd survive five minutes...
"Ok but - just five minutes, alright?"
I looked up at him as he quickly nodded his head.
"Yeah, only five - I promise."
"Okay, then let me get my jacket real quick.Just - wait here."
I quickly closed the door behind me, placing the roses on the little table next to it.Then I grabbed my gray coat from the shelf, running towards the living room as my heels clicked on the wooden floor.
"I uhm...there's someone waiting for me outside, I - I'm back in a few minutes, ok?"
I shouted, looking at confused faces belonging to the ones of my family.
"Yeah, it's ok - but make sure to get back soon.It's Christmas, remember that honey!"
My father reminded me.
I headed back to the door, leaning against it as I took a deep breath out.Then I opened it, putting on my coat.
"Okay, here I am.Soo...what do you wanna talk about?"
I asked, watching Miles, who had now positioned himself at the end of the veranda stairs, turning around to me.
"Can we take a little walk?"
He asked as I already found myself approaching his rather tall figure.
He grinned, slowly starting to walk down the dark street, the lights coming from the lanterns shining down at the snow covered ground.
"Why are you even here?Did you - get back here after we...?"
I asked.
"Yeah, I - after you left I...moved into a nice flat only a few cliometers away from here."
"Oh, okay."
I nodded.
"I'm - almost done with studying financial marketing though."
He ran his fingers through his short brown hair.
"That's - great!I'm sure your father is very proud of you..."
"Yeah, I - he told me that I could start working at his company right after I'm done studying, so..."
"Sounds good."
He suddenly stood still, turning around to face me.
"Listen, I - I did...not come here to bore you with my work and stuff."
He deeply looked into my eyes.
"I - I want you back.God, I need you back so so much bab- Mira."
He shook his head, looking down at his feet.
"You were so right about everything you said.I was a fool, a stupid stupid fool to let you, something so precious, go."
"Miles I-"
"No, you...you don't have to say anything...I'm so sorry for all the things I did.Can you - forgive me, please?"
"What makes you so sure that I'm not in a relationship though?Maybe I already have a boyfriend."
I shrugged.
"And - do you?"
He asked, almost terrified.I sighed.
I could see his face immediately lightening up as I said so.He giggled, taking my hand into his.
"Mira, could you not just-"
He started but I quickly pulled my hand away from his, looking to my left.
"No...Miles I could not just!You've - put me through hell.Thinking that money and gifts could replace your so called love, constantly telling me that I'm not perfect or good enough for you - only to cheat on me with that stu-"
He took a deep breath out.
"It was just a kiss - and I was drunk.I swear!No touching, no sex.Shit, I didn't even wanted her to-"
"It doesn't matter anymore...We've talked about that so so much."
I looked into his eyes.
"You know that I'm not that kind of person who's able to erase someone like you out of my mind or life.I'll never forget what we had, cause god knows we had our good times.But I didn't leave you for no reason and just telling me that you've changed for the better won't be enough for me to give in to you - so quickly.Actually I was on a quite good way to...get over you, to be honest."
I explained.
"Then let me prove it to you.Please..."
He whispered, coming closer.
"Everybody deserves a second chance.That's what yo-"
"Yeah, what I always say.I know..."
I tilted my head backwards, sighing at how well he seemed to have been listening to me.
"Let's...start all over again.I promise, I've changed.I want you back so so much...Ever since you left I - I felt as if something really important was missing.And now that I look at you..."
He carefully put a strand of hair out of my face.
"God, you've become even more beautiful."
I responded, trying to put no emotions into this answer.
"So...what do you say?"
"Well, I guess I'm gonna say...yes.But - Miles, only one second chance."
I explained as I felt his strong arms being wrapped around my waist already.
"Lord knows I'm gonna use it!"
He pulled my body even tighter to his muscular chest, soon after letting go of me again.He took a step backwards, his big eyes glistening in the moonlight.Then he suddenly bumped into me.
"Oh, sorry Miss.I didn't mean to hurt you.Are you alright?"
He asked.
For a short moment I thought he was crazy.
Then I knew what that was all about.
"Oh, no it was my fault, I didn't pay attention where I was going...Sorry."
I giggled, looking up at him as I played along.
"It's okay.I'm - Miles by the way...May I ask what the name of such a stunning beauty like you is?"
He smirked as he extended his arm.
I smiled, grabbing his hand.

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