\.What They Don't Know./

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Thursday, - June 23, 1988

After yesterday's little talk with Michael I decided to make him feel a little better.He just seemed to feel so sad and alone and I didn't like that at all...So here we are, planning a little trip to the city and going shopping with the king of pop - the usual as always.The only problem was that he didn't know about it yet but I was already on my way to his suite.I adjusted my gray pants and lightly knocked on his door.Only two or three seconds later, it was opened by a beautiful man named Michael.
"Oh, hi Mira!"
I immediately smiled at him.
"Hey - I wanted to ask you something, uhh..."
"Sure, you wanna come in?"
He said, taking a step backwards so that I could enter the room as well.
I said while tightening my ponytail.He then closed the door, waiting for me to speak up.
He asked.
"Well - Listen, this might sound a little bit crazy and stupid right now - especially because we don't know each other personally...But I promise it's gonna be great, just let me finish before you say no, please."
He chuckled, looking right into my eyes.
"Girl, what are you up to?"
I giggled, rubbing my hands together.
"Ok, so I was thinking - since we talked about you being so alone up here yesterday - that you maybe would like to go shopping or visit the city..."
He raised his eyebrows at me.
"I mean, I know you can't just go out and go shopping but we've got a little box of disguises and theatre articles in the little chamber behind the dining hall.Sometimes we organize small events for the children staying here so that's why we - well, never mind.But if you put on one of those I'm sure nobody would recognize you...I'm just saying that you have a right to go out and be a normal person, so why not use it?...What do you think?"
I asked him, hoping so badly he'd say yes.
"Well, I - Look I think it's very nice of you to care so much about me but I'm used to this by now and - and if someone does recognize me then...we'll cause a lot of trouble!I'm not saying I don't like the idea...it's just too risky, you know?And only think about the body guards - they'd never let me go."
I looked down at my feet, disappointed in what he just said.I cleared my throat, looking directly into his big eyes.
"What they don't know won't hurt them..."
I said, feeling a devilish smile growing on my face.Luckily, he wasn't able to hide his smile too, so that we both ended up laughing - but soon after, he turned back serious again.
"How do you even wanna do that?I mean - you can't just...I don't know."
"Well, I could tell them that you don't feel very well and don't wish to be disturbed through the next - let's say two hours - and while they think they can relax for a bit, we'll be shopping in Paris."
He still didn't seem that thrilled.Man.
"Oh come on, please give it a try...If you think it's not save enough we can go back to the hotel anytime."
He sighed, looking at the couch and then back to me.He took a step closer.
"I just hope we won't get caught, otherwise it's gonna end in a lot of trouble."
"Does that mean you're gonna do it?"
I said, my eyes growing big by the thought of us going shopping.
"Yeah - but only if I can decide which disguise I wanna wear.I still wanna look acceptable, ok?"
I chuckled, nodding my head.Then I turned around to go downstairs and bring him the box.
"I'll go grab the box - I'll be back in a minute!"
I shouted through the long hallway.

A couple of minutes later...
"Ok, I think that's gonna work pretty good!You look...very - hot."
I said, trying not to bust out laughing because Michael looked really crazy with that wig and fake mustache - and don't get me started on his green contact lenses.I tried to adjust the light blue baseball cap on his head and put some curls back under it.
"You wanna see it?"
He only nodded, seeming to be very afraid of my work on his face.He turned around to look in the mirror and just before I wanted to ask him if this would be working for him, he suddenly turned around with an enormous smile plastered on his face.
"That's perfect!No one will recognize me - thank you Mira."
And before I knew it, he was already holding both of my hands and looking deep into my eyes.The only thing I was able to do was to smile like a little child - I was beyond happy.
"It's - it's my pleasure, really...Ok, so I'm gonna try to convince Mr. - what's his name again?"
He slowly let go of my hands.
"Marvin, Marvin Butts - and don't worry, he's very nice.He just seems very hard - he really is tough on the outside but soft on the inside."
"Oh, the perfect example of Hard shell, soft core?"
I asked, giggling.
"Yeah, right!"
He laughed, turning around to examine his disguise one last time.
"Ok, are you ready, you've got everything?"
I asked him, opening the huge door.He looked around the room and then turned around to me again.He quickly grabbed his sunglasses and then he lightly put his arm behind my back and looked at me.
"Yeah, I think now I do."
Gurl.Did he just - flirt with me?I think it's time to get the coffin back y'all!
I lightly smiled at him.
"So, you're just gonna walk down the hallway and wait for me at the end and-"
He closed the door, looking at me again.
"I'll go talk to Mr.Butts and try to convince him, ok?"
"Yeah, sounds good - much luck!"
He smirked as I shook my head, smiling at him.I quickly turned around to walk to his room which was only two rooms away from Michael's while I could hear him walking down the hallway into the other direction.Approaching the door, I took a deep breath and knocked on it.This better work out!
Mr.Butts opened the door, greeting me with a small smile.He was very tall and really big, well muscular I'd rather say.
"Hello, my name's Miss Abelin and-"
Geez - I had to look up so much!
"And I just wanted to inform you about Mr.Jackson not feeling very good."
His eyes turned bigger.Keep calm Mira.You got that gurl!
"I mean - not terribly bad but when I checked on him earlier he was lying in bed and complaining about a huge headache.Then I darkened the room and-"
"How - uhh, when did this happen?"
He looked directly into my eyes.To be honest, I've never been a good liar but this time I just had to.
"Oh just a couple of minutes ago."
"And he's in his room right now?"
He asked me.Damn, I couldn't read any of his emotions - great!
"Yes, he's in bed right now."
Suddenly he stepped out of his room, closing the door behind him.He now stood directly in front of me.
"Then I'll go check on him and s-"
"Oh no!He - Please don't.He just lied down and he told me to inform you about it so that no one would disturb him in the next two hours.He's probably asleep right now and I think he really needs this rest."
I lightly put my hand on his big arm and warmly smiled at him - I just couldn't mess this up right now.
"Sir, look...-"
I made sure to stand straight, positioning myself a bit closer to him.Then I looked him deep in the eyes, smiling a little.
"I know you're supposed to be responsible for him all the time.I understand that - it's your job.But he's surely already sleeping right now and I don't wanna wake him up again.He really had a huge headache and told me to just leave him alone so that he could rest for a bit.All I'm trying to say is that you - I think it'd be good for him to continue to sleep so that he'll be able to perform on Monday, ok?"
I gave him a pleading look as he tried to escape my intense stare.
"I'll promise you I'll directly check on him in two hours and inform you right after - don't worry!I just don't wanna wake him up, that's all."
I warmly smiled at him.Actually I've always been able to convince people easily - I just hope it'd also work this time.He lighlty cleared his throat.
"Does - did someone from the medical team check on him already?"
Oh perfect.
"Yeah, they did.They made sure he had a glass of water standing on the nightstand...And they also said sleep would be the best for him right now."
Believe me.Believe me.Believe me.
He slowly breathed out, rubbing his chin with his big hand and then looked at me again.He took a step backwards.
"Ok fine.But please inform me when you checked on him.I don't know why but I trust you with that.Just make sure to tell me when his condition gets worse, alright?"
I brightly smiled, making him chuckle too.
"What's so funny?"
He said while using his key to open the door.
"Oh nothing, I'm just - glad he'll be able to rest, that's all.Thank you again."
He turned his head towards me yet again and smiled.
"You're welcome - but: I really want you to inform me in-"
He looked at his big watch.
"At 3.Ok?"
"Yeah sure!I'll be here, I promise."
I said while turning around, hearing the door of his room close again.I let out a sigh of relief and jogged towards the end of the hallway.I just couldn't wait for the shopping trip.

1 hour later...
We'd been to many different shops and it was just great although today wasn't as sunny as yesterday.Michael was like a little child walking through Disney Land and it was too adorable.Everwhere we went was like a little adventure to him and he seemed to be very happy.
"Oh, what's that?"
I heard his voice coming from beside me.
"That's - that's Cartier.It's a very luxury label and sells jewelry and watches and stuff like that - but it's very expensive..."
He nodded his head and looked at the huge buildings.We were walking around in the city while watching the people and just having a really great time so far.I was so happy for him.
"Hey, you wanna have ice cream?I swear they make the best here!You gotta try one."
"Oh sure!Do you - should I go get them, or...?
He asked me.
"No, I'll go - it's ok.Just...wait here, I'll be back in a minute, ok?"
He put his hands into the pockets of his black pants and smiled at me.
I said and turned around to make my way to the ice cream shop.As I walked down the alley, I noticed a bunch of boys - well, more men - approaching me.They started to look me up and down and two or three even whistled at me.I just tried to ignore them as much as I could and quickly walked to the shop.

After I ordered the two cups of ice cream I exited the shop, heading towards Michael who was standing next to a tree on the other side of the aisle.I could see him turning his head to my direction, smiling bightly and so did I.Suddenly I heard a couple of whistles, so I turned my head to my left only to see those boys again.Great.One of them walked up to me.He had dark blonde hair - he was hot but surely not nice.Coming closer, I noticed him licking and biting his bottom lip.
"Je viens d'arriver dans ta ville.Est-ce que tu pourrais m'indiquer le chemin jusqu'à ton appartement?"
Wow.To translate it:He told me that he just arrived here and asked me if I could tell him the way to my apartment.What a funny guy - he must think he's really cool right now.Luckily I know how to deal with a boy like him.
"Pardon?I didn't get what you said - I don't speak idiot, honey."
I provocatively smiled at him.Instead of answering me, he just stared at me - looking totally dumbfounded.Then he quickly turned around to walk back to his friends but just as I thought they'd leave me alone, I felt a hand on my shoulder.I immediately turned around.In front of me stood a truly breathtaking looking guy.He had dark caramel skin, short black hair and bright blue eyes.Unfortunately I already knew that he would only try to get my number.
"Hey, please wait a second."
He could speak English without an accent...
"What is it?"
I asked, sounding a bit annoyed.He scratched his head, looking me up and down.He bit his big bottom lip, making me roll my eyes.
"I'm - I'm really sorry about what he-"
He pointed to the guy that just talked to me.
"What he said and for the fact that he doesn't know how to treat a woman right."
I wanted to believe him so badly, mainly because of the fact that he was undeniably hot - but I knew that he was just like the others.I raised my eyebrows at him.
"It's ok, just - just tell him that he'll never get himself a girl if he's gonna treat her that way, ok?"
He chuckled.
"Yeah, I will."
"What's so funny?"
I asked him, trying not to giggle because his smile was truly contagious.He then touched his lip, stepping closer to me.Suddenly I felt his hand around my waist but I was so shocked that I couldn't even move.Then I heard his voice whispering in my ear:
"You're really cute when you giggle like that - but when you're annoyed-"
His hand wandered down to my butt, grabbing it tightly.I gasped.
"You're freaking hot!"
And with that he quickly walked away as the other guys cheered at him, leaving me behind - shocked about how guys always think they could treat girls that way.
"Are you alright?"
I almost screamed, that's how bad he had scared me.Luckily I was greeted by Michael's face as I turned around.I took a deep breath and handed him the ice cream.
I looked up at him with a weak smile.
"Did they...I just saw them when I was still standing by the tree back there but I didn't know if - what did they do?"
Should I tell him?Naahh - I'd just ruin the day.
"It was nothing, they just - they asked me for the way to the mall and the next hotel - that's all."
"Are you sure?"
He looked worried.
"Yeah - and now let's go have some fun before we'll be stuck in the hotel all day long again."
I giggled, tucking my arm into his as he smiled at me.
"Ok, where will you take me next?"
He asked me, sounding so very sweet and kind.I looked into his eyes as I could feel that particular feeling in my stomach again.
"To Neverland, Mr.Jackson."
I smirked at him as he chuckled, both of us continuing to walk down the long street.

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