\.Bad In A Good Way./

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Wednesday, - June 22, 1988

Finally I was able to take a little break after I had been working for about 6 hours straight!Work started at 7:30 already and today has been really stressful so far.I walked out of the big dining hall belonging to the restaurant as the warm summer air hit my face.It was a very sunny day here in Paris and there was not a single cloud in the sky!I leaned against the big white stone wall, right across from the huge windows of the dining hall.Crossing my legs, I placed my little white purse on the chair next to me.I looked up at the clear sky and took a deep breath.I still can't believe I met HIM two days ago!It's just so damn surreal...
I let my eyes glide over the whole courtyard.Looking through the huge window, I could see people having lunch at a big table.They were all chatting with each other, enjoying their meal and - wait!I suddenly recognized Mr.DiLeo.Then I took a closer look.There were two men completely dressed in black standing next to the table and then I saw - Michael!He had positioned himself on a chair quite in the middle of the huge table and was talking to some people joining him.He looked so...bored in some way.I mean he was talking to some of his crew members, smiling here and there but he wasn't really eating the food and just seemed being so deep in his thoughts.I quickly turned my head to the side again because I didn't want to be caught staring at him, that would just be really awkward.I then grabbed my purse and took my cigarillos out of it.Lightening up one of them, I looked back to his direction only to find his seat empty.I slowly took a drag from my cigarillo and thought about where he could've been going - probably just to the restroom...I ran my fingers through my mid long hair and tasted the vanilla flavor of the cigarillo, it was so delicious.I quickly breathed the smoke out, not wanting to inhale it completely and straightened my white turtleneck crop top.I lightly stretched my neck, looking up again.
"You know that smoking is not healthy, don't you?"
I suddenly heard a soft voice coming from beside me.I quickly turned my head to my right, although I already knew that it was Michael who just talked to me - that voice was just so angelic like no other.He looked at me with a huge smirk on his face.
"I know that smoking's unhealthy, that's why I'm wearing a skirt."
I smirked back at him, hoping he would get that joke.
"Oh boy..."
He shook his head while chuckling to himself.Approaching me, I noticed his perfect silky curls and those beautiful eyes I'd immediately do anything for.I felt my cheeks getting hot.
"Wasn't that good, huh?"
I asked him, chuckling because of my really stupid joke.
"Mhh...We could still work on this a bit."
He looked at me, his eyes glistening in the sun.Trying to hide my nervousness, I decided to play it all cool.
"You mean it was-"
I put my one hand at my crotch and raised the other arm in the air, imitating his famous pose from the Bad music video.
I winked at him.
"Yeah, kind of..."
He laughed at me as I positioned myself back to how I was standing before.
"But it was bad in a good way."
I smiled at him and I don't know why but I felt my knees becoming weak again, I just didn't get used to the fact that he was standing right in front of me.
"No but...seriously, I don't smoke-"
He raised his eyebrows at me - probably because I was standing right before him with a cigarillo in my hand.I chuckled, looking down at my white heels.
"I - I really don't.I know it's not healthy at all - that's why I just puff.And I only do this maybe ten or twelve times a year!It just tastes really good and it reminds me of my father, he always used to puff those."
His expression directly changed and he looked worried.
"Oh, your father...He passed away?I'm sorry - I didn't mean to-"
I quickly shook my head.
"He's still alive but I - I don't get to see my parents very often and when I get homesick then...yeah."
"Oh, well I think that's an acceptable excuse then."
He warmly smiled and so did I as I drew on my cigarillo yet again.Exhaling the smoke shortly after, I asked him:
"Soo...Aren't you supposed to have lunch right now?"
"Yeah I do but it's very..."
"Boring, isn't it?"
He looked at me, nodding his head yes.
"Is this a business kinda thing or just a little lunch with your crew?"
"Well, it's just a lunch actually but - you know..."
He put his hands into his pockets.
"I just don't like talking about money all the time - someone will eventually bring up the business topic and it's just not really my favorite."
"I understand that."
I said.
"But your crew and staff members seem to be all very nice and kind.I'm sure it's fun when you're all together."
"Yeah, they're great - really!I have the best crew in the world.I'm so glad they're all so happy about touring!"
"And you?"
He looked deeply into my eyes.
"Me?What do y-"
"I mean - don't you...aren't you enjoying the tour?"
He thought for a bit.
I touched his shoulder.
"Well, it's amazing - really!All the fans shouting and screaming just because they're so happy to see you.And the show is good and all - I love being on stage, it's been like my second home...When the lights go on and you hear the music starting to do its magic - that's truly fantastic..."
"But...I mean I shouldn't complain really.But touring is stressful!You're traveling from country to country, week after week, day after day.You stay at hotels, rehearse, sleep and when you get up you directly start working again.I see my fans gathering around every hotel I'm staying at, screaming their lungs out to get just a little glimpse of me and I can do nothing but wave my hand behind a window...I'm - I'm sorry - now I-"
"It's alright, go on."
I tried to encourage him.
"Well I just feel very alone most of the time.I'm not able to go to a normal supermarket or at least take a little walk outside, you know?"
I nodded.
"It's all fun and good but when the loneliness hits you - it's just not - not easy."
He sighed and I noticed my eyes watering up.I felt so incredibly sorry for this man.I wanted to tell him so much - how I could be able to help him or be a good friend but somehow I was lost for words at that moment.All I wanted to do was to hug him so tightly, showing him how much I understood.
"Mhh...that must be tough.I mean of course I've never been put in such a situation but I really can understand what you have to go through - and it surely isn't always all beautiful!"
I looked at him again, trying so badly not to put my arms around his slender and tall figure.
"Yeah...But it's ok - at least I can give people some happiness and fun and bring joy to their life.And I'm also able to see so many different places and cultures - that's what I really love about it.Visiting the sick children and being there, spending time with them, that's just amazing!"
His eyes met mine yet again as he turned his head towards me and he warmly smiled at me.I quickly stubbed out the cigarillo.
"Yeah!You - you seem to donate a lot of your money to charities and different hospitals or pediatric clinics, that's so beautiful - I think every celebrity should do that...And you know what's the best thing about it?You don't do it for publicity and the fame - you do it for love!I...I really admire you for that."
His smile turned even bigger and I became shy all of a sudden.
"Thank you..."
He said.I placed my hand on his chest over his heart and nodded.I just couldn't think of anything else to say and sometimes I feel like a touch can have a deeper meaning than a You're welcome or something like that.Then I quickly put my hand away again before I'd find myself pressing my lips against his.
"You uhh...What about that lunch back there?"
I nodded towards the big dining hall.
"Yeah I - I probably should go back inside..."
He lightly scratched his black curly head.
"They're surely already wondering where I'm at."
He giggled, making me smile.
"What did you tell them where you were going to?"
I asked him.
"I said I was going to use the restroom."
I laughed.
"Then you better have a good excuse for-"
I looked at my watch.
"Being busy there for about 10 minutes Michael!"
He lightly rubbed his chin, smiling and looking at my face again.
"Well, I'll just say there was a big queue waiting in front of the restroom...or, oh boy!"
"Oh I'm sure you'll be able to convince them!"
I said, looking straight at that angelic face.
"Yeah...Then - I guess we'll see each other again today...right?"
He almost hopefully asked me.
"Of course...I'm gonna check on you later - provided that you don't have anything else planned for today."
"No, not today.After lunch I'll go straight up to my suite...The others are gonna have a bit of free time, so I'll just stay here."
DON'T HUG HIM.DON'T HUG HIM MIRA!I screamed in my head.
"Ok...I make sure you won't be alone up there all day, alright?"
He chuckled and his eyes glistened.
"Yes, that would be perfect!...Ok I guess I have to go now."
"Alright, see you later."
I looked at him as he answered me with a huge smile upon his face.
"Yeah - and enjoy your break!"
He smirked at me.Shit - my break!
"Oh god, my break - I only wanted to take one for maybe three or five minutes - not for almost 15!"
I quickly grabbed my purse from the chair and turned around to Michael again.I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him an excusing look.
"I'm sorry, I really gotta go now - but it was nice talking to you."
I put a little strand of hair behind my ear as he warmly smiled at me.
"Yes...I - I also enjoyed it."
I giggled, looking at his soft lips.Then I made my way towards the huge doors belonging to the restaurant as I could feel him staring at me from behind.That man was getting me in trouble already - and I like it.

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