The Break Up

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Elsa POV

I finish the last spoon of cereal, seeing Jack and Ariel race down the stairs.

They have gotten pretty close over the last few days- to be exact, 4.

We will get the information to Pitch's lair from his ex-minions, and leave in two days.

They finish racing down the steps, and Jack wins, making Ariel pout and cross her arms. "Hey don't be so down- it's okay if I'm faster than you," Jack teases, making Ariel stick her tongue out.

Jack chuckles, picking her up by the legs and spinning her around. I feel my heart start to beat like a hammer, and my skin burn.

I sigh, looking at my empty bowl and pretending there was something there. "Hey Els," Jack calls out, grabbing milk from the fridge.

"Oh, hey," I reply, faking a smile. He runs over and puts his arm around my neck, leaning in for a kiss, but instead I brush his hand off, moving away.

He frowns, staring at me, then grabbing one of my hands. "Elsa are you o-"

I interrupt him by standing up. "I actually gotta go change so..." I utter, walking to the steps.

I just don't want to be seeing all that.

Ariel POV

Elsa rushes up the stairs, making me frown.

"What's her problem?" I ask, glancing at Jack, his eyes trailing her as she disappears down the hallway.

"I have no idea..." he mutters, his eyes still up the stairs, watching for her as if she would come back or something.

"She'll be alright Jack," I say, trying to encourage him.

A headache suddenly strikes me, making me collapse. I try and hold myself up with the counter. "Ariel!" Jack shouts.

I have a feeling the same thing was happening to Anna, I felt our connection.

The pain becomes more immense, and I feel my knees give way, making me fall.

Jack catches me, but sudden images begin to flash in my head, and I can hear Pitch's voice.

Then I black out.


My eyes flutter open, and I see Jack above me putting a wet towel over my head. "You're up," he says, letting out a sigh of relief. Pitch gave another message. He said Jack needs to get going soon, or else he gonna cut the chord on me and Anna.

"Where is Anna?" I ask. "With Elsa," he comments, removing the towel from my head. I smile at him.
Anna and Elsa walk in, Anna look slightly faint.

"Pitch says you need to get to him soon or he will kill me and Ariel," Anna states, as Jack glances at Elsa.

Knowing Pitch, if Jack actually goes, Pitch will probably kill Jack right when he shows up for whatever reason.

Pitch won't just call for someone like this unless it is to kill. I look at Jack. "Jack, Pitch is gonna kill you," I warn. He sighs, and just stares at the wall, probably thinking about what he should do.

"This is so messed up," Elsa mumbles, fear laced in her voice. Jack looks torn, as if he knows he is gonna die, but can do nothing about it.

I leap up, giving him a hug. "Thank you for doing this," I say.

He seems surprised, but lightly hugs me back, his hands tangled in my hair. "I may never see you again," I whisper.

He's made his way into my heart already- and I must admit...I have a little crush on him.

You Changed Me ( Jelsa )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ