The Truth Hurts : Most Of The Time

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Jack POV

I ring Hiccup's doorbell, and wait for him to open the door. When he does, he his eyes widen. "I never thought I would see you over here," he says to me.

Hiccup and I were never the greatest of friends after Elsa and I stopped being friends. "What do you want?" he asks.

"Elsa called me saying she was kidnapped," I explain. His jaw drops. "What?!" he shouts. "Why didn't she call me?!" he shouts again.


"I don't know. She sounded drugged. Her and Astrid were kidnapped. She asked me to track Astrid's phone, but I don't have her number," I explain.

"Oh my f-" Hiccup stammers. He grabs his phone, his hands shaking.

He types a lot, and pulls up Astrid's location.

"I can't come with you, something crazy just happened over here. I'll send her location to you," he says, as I nod.

"In 4 hours if you haven't found them, call me and I'll come," he tells me.

"Can I borrow your car?" I ask.

He goes inside for a second, comes back out and tosses me his keys.

"Don't damage it. My dad will kill me," he says. I nod, unlocking the car and sitting in it.

I wait for about a good minute before I get the location, which is 2 hours and 42 minutes away.

"Dang," I mutter.


Elsa POV

I wake up, finding myself strapped to metal chains. I blink a few times, seeing Anna sitting in front of me.

When she sees I'm up, she glares. "Do you understand English? I told you to stay put!" she shouts at me.

I glare. "You actually expected me to?" I ask her. She sighs and shrugs. "Yea you're right. That was dumb of me," she says.

"I'm going to be gone for awhile. Enjoy the silence and the chains," Anna says, walking out.


Jack POV

I park and step out of the car.

This building looks insanely sketchy.

The location doesn't give me anything else besides the fact that she's somewhere in this huge building.

I walk up, and try to open the door, but it's obviously locked.

It's a glass door with a huge padlock. It looks like it has locks even beyond the padlock.

I run my fingers through my hair frustratedly.

Looks like I gotta break this door.

I place my palm on the glass, and shut my eyes. I let the ice emanate from my hand onto the glass door, and I keep spreading it until I shatters.

That was the first time I used my powers in years. I guess I haven't lost my game.

I rush inside and glance around. There are so many stairs.

I go down the long corridor, and check all the rooms.

I go down the long corridor on the other side, and check all the rooms.


I go to the second floor, and I go down the long corridor to the first door.

I open it, seeing Astrid. She's completely knocked out, laying on the floor. One hand is chained to the wall, and the other is free.

"Astrid!" I whisper shout.

I grab hold of her chain, and freeze it so hard that it breaks.

I try to smack her awake.

Doesn't respond.

"God... are you okay?" I whisper, knowing she can't hear me.

Who the heck kidnapped them? Why? And what has happened to them?

I pick Astrid up, and leave the room.

"Where are you Elsa?" I whisper.

I go to the next room- nothing.

The next room- nothing.

Dang, this girl is heavy.

I go to the next room, and I can feel the temperature is extremely cold.

I frown, stepping inside.

I see Elsa strapped to a chair, with metal chains. She was like, literally locked up.

"My God," I whisper. I carefully set Astrid down, and shut the door.

"Elsa," I call. Her eyes flutter open, and she stares at me for a second, confused.

"Jack? You came? How?" she asks me, tiredly.

I smile, tears filling my eyes with relief.

The relief I feel, seeing she's okay.

Seeing her.

I haven't felt this good in so long. My heart was fluttering, and I was feeling a familiar feeling.

One I never put a name to.

"My head is pounding.." she whispers.

I don't want her to see I have powers, so I don't know how we are gonna do this.

"Hold on... I think I can break the chains.." Elsa mutters. "I've discovered something- different. About myself I guess," she states.

I raise a brow.

She holds on tightly to the chains and shuts her eyes tightly.

She takes in deep breaths, and continues to hold on to the chains.

I see frost appearing on the chains making my eyes widen.

What the-

No way.

She continued to hold on, until the chains completely turn to ice.

Then it breaks.

She looks up at me nervously. "I know this is weird... please don't think I'm a freak," she whispers.

I sigh. "I could never think you're a freak... I'm just- surprised is all," I tell her.

Surprised that she has powers just like me. That's what I'm surprised about about. She glances at Astrid and smiles. "Thank you for finding us," she tells me, wrapping her arms around me tightly in a hug.

"I love you," she then says.

My breath hitches, as I hold on to her. "Wait what?" I ask.

"I love you... like love you love you," she says, pulling away.

Yep, that's it right there. The feeling I never put a name to-


I love you too.

But it doesn't come out of my mouth yet.

I just stare at her like an idiot.

I hear Astrid groan, which makes us turn to her.

"Astrid," Elsa calls. She gets up and rushes to her. "Astrid- we need to go. Now," Elsa says urgently.

"I think Anna and them will be back soon," Elsa states.

I frown.

"Anna?" I ask.

Elsa looks back at me.

"I'll explain later. Let's go," she replies.

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