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Now that Zenith finally fell asleep, I can sleep. I laid on the floor while cuddling Zenith on my chest, covering both of us with a blanket.

Before I can even count to ten, I feel my eyes close.

My eyes suddenly open, and I find myself in a new environment.

"Jeez... I'm having another vision," I mumble, realizing what was happening. When I have visions, I see what happens in the future, and they usually always come to pass.

The sky is dark, and I automatically hear sounds of screaming terror.

I look up in the sky and see hundreds of nightmares screeching, and flying faster than I've ever seen them move.

"If I die, they die with me!" I hear someone scream.

I look to my left, and see Pitch. The ground was split in half, so deep that it exposes the earths heated core.

That's when I see three guys fall into the split crack in the earth, about to be burnt alive by the earths core.

"No!!! Elsa shouts in terror.

I look at her one more time, and see her holding a beautiful baby girl.


I immediately wake up, and sit upwards.

"What the-?" I whisper.

I begin to panic, and my body heats up. Sweat begins dripping down my face, and I feel like I am going out of control.

"The ground splitting?" I say to myself. "When will this happen?" I question.

I feel so overwhelmed... and such a crippling fear. That vision was terrifying.

My head starts to burn, and throb.

Objects around the frozen palace start to lift and shatter. "No! I can't have this happening right now!" I shout at myself. I'm loosing control.

Think happy thoughts... calm down....

I look at Zenith and watch him while he sleeps peacefully.

My breathing slows down, and things stop breaking. The sight of his beautiful existence was enough to calm me down.

"Okay... I'll just wait till morning contact Elsa. I'll warn her then," I say to myself.

It's no surprise to say I couldn't sleep the rest of the night.

Elsa POV

We are all on North's slay, and everyone's asleep but me. The journey is long, and it's past midnight- so I don't blame anyone for falling asleep.

But I wonder how anyone can sleep through the worry. People could die at this battle.

I could die at this battle.

I put my head down, and run my hands through my hair anxiously.

"Don't look so stressed Elsa," I hear from above me. I look up and see Lex sit down next to me, and cross his legs.

You Changed Me ( Jelsa )Where stories live. Discover now