It Begins

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Elsa POV

"Wake up Elsa! Wake up!" I hear someone shout.

I immediately sit up, and look around in confusion.

"We are crossing the Rocky Mountains, we are almost there!" North shouts.

The wind is so strong it's blowing the slay off course. It's night time still.

"How is it time to fight already?" I ask.

My vision is blurry, and I see Jack rush to me. "You've been sleeping throughout the ride for hours- probably a side effect of the pills. But you still woke up every hour to take some," he tells me, helping me stand.

"I'm not prepared to fight Jack, I can't like this," I tell him. He shakes his head. "I won't let anything happen to you," he tells me. I nod.

Before we even get there, I hear the sound of screeching nightmares making their way towards us.

"Guys, stand your ground! Don't let fear overtake you!" Eritrea shouts.

I suddenly start to feel pain in my stomach again. "Oh no..." I mumble.

"Kid, can't you just wait a second?!" I shout to my baby, which obviously cannot hear me. Jack looks at me perplexed.

A group of nightmares suddenly rush into the slay, trying to attack us.

Jack, whose powers improved drastically, starts fighting them off with ice. They freeze, and break off from the rest and shatter.

Eritrea also starts attacking them, but they keep coming more, and more.

My sight starts getting blurry, and I stumble on Anna. "Elsa! Are you okay?!" she shouts. "Sandy, get her some more pills!" Anna shouts to the back of the slay.

"No... if I take them I will fall asleep.." I mumble.

"What else can we do right now?!" Anna shouts. Sandy throws the bottle of pills to Anna.

"Pitch has millions on millions of nightmares. He can even form more as we speak. This could go on forever," Rapunzel utters.

"He's trying to finish us off before we even face him..." Bunny states.

I suddenly scream, feeling like I'm being punched in the gut.

"Elsa!" Jack screams. I see Lex try to reach me, but the nightmares swoop down even lower, and go so fast that they rip through the slay.

Everyone topples over, as the slay breaks in half. "Oh God.." I mumble in pain.

Anna is on the other side of the slay which is currently hanging on the edge of a Rocky Mountain, trying to get to me to give me the pills.

But the nightmares stay in the middle of the slay, keeping us all separated. Then they just swoop in, and begin attacking us all.

Jack POV

This is very pathetic. Pitch was definitely too scared to fight us all, so he sent his nightmares to kill us.

Just sad.

After the slay cracks in half, I begin looking for Elsa. I heard her scream earlier, but I couldn't do anything because the nightmares were basically trying to kill us.

I can't see through the crazy flying nightmares, who were closing in on us. I hear creaking at the bottom of the slay, so I turn around to look behind us.

That's when I see the slay is tipping over, soon to fall off the Rocky Mountain. "Guys, get off the slay, it's about to fall!" I shout.

On the side I'm on, it's Rapunzel, Eugene, Anna, Eritrea, Kristoff, and Sandy. "There's no way for us to get off! If we go behind, we will literally fall to our death," Rapunzel says.

"And if we try to cross and get to the others, the nightmares will tear us up," Kristoff concludes.

"Okay, I can fly. You guys just need to hold on to me. Tight," I say. "Sandy and I can fly as well," Eritrea says.

They nod. I get out of the slay and hover, and they all try to get on me. Rapunzel holds on to my left leg, and Anna gets on my back. Sandy makes dream sand for Kristoff and Eugene to fly on.

We go below the rocks, so the nightmares don't see us. We fly to the other side where the other half of the slay is, and we see the nightmares attacking the others.

They are all using their power to fight off the nightmares, except Elsa. She was huddled over, looking like she was in serious pain. "Elsa!" Anna shouts. Elsa looks back and sees us. "Catch!" she exclaims.

Anna tosses a bottle of pills to Elsa, and Elsa weakly reaches her hand out, and catches it. "Thanks sis," Elsa mumbles.

"She's gonna soon fall asleep after taking those.." I say.

I watch her quickly open the bottle, and take out two pills.

That's when I suddenly feel something sharp against my neck.

A group of nightmares fly extremely fast towards me and form around my neck, choking me. "No.. Jack!" Elsa shouts weakly.

I struggle for breath and begin to kick around, which makes Anna and Rapunzel loose grip of me and start falling.

I try to break free to rescue them, but the nightmares won't budge.

I see Eritrea zoom past me to catch the girls before they fall to their deaths.

I try to use my powers on the nightmares who were suffocating me, but they formed chains around my hands.

Great. I'm definitely going to die.

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