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Anna POV

It's been a day since we landed at the workshop.

Honestly, it was really luck because these are the perfect people we needed to find.

The Guardians.

"Anna, taste this!" I hear someone chime. I look to the right, seeing Hiccup rush towards me. I raise a brow.

"What is it?" I ask. "Bunny said it's called a chocolate drizzle," he states. I smile, grabbing the plate. It looked like a cake which was also a donut, with different chocolate drizzlings on it.

"Woah..." I uttered, staring at it.

"I would advise you to eat something way less chocolatey... your teeth need to stay white!" Tooth says, popping out of nowhere.

I glance up at her, laughing. "Sorry, this is just too magical," I reply, taking a bite.

I almost spit it out. I started coughing immensely.

"Are you okay?" Hiccup asks, hitting my back.

"I'm fine... this is AMAZING!!" I shout.

All the little elves turn their heads towards me in alarm. "Sorry," I whisper, laughing slightly.

"I told you! I mean, you didn't need to over react like that- but it's good right?" Hiccup exclaimed.

I glance over at Astrid who was playing with the elves. "Astrid, you have to try this," Hiccup shouts.

She raises an eyebrow curiously. "The way Anna is eating that- it looks good," she says, laughing.

"It is!" I shout, my mouth full of food.

"Guardians!" North shouts suddenly.

I almost fall off my chair. His voice shook the whole building.

Tooth fluttered over towards North. "I've found an alert that some nightmares were spotted in the city," he exclaims.

I have to see this. Me, Hiccup, and Astrid get up as well to listen to North.

He locates the nightmares on the big screen, and clicks on the surveillance cameras.

On the screen the nightmares were in a store, and some girl who seemed to have some sort of magic was fighting them.

"Is that Eritrea?" Bunny asked. "Yes... why is she fighting off nightmares?" Tooth asked.

"It looks like there are some other kids in the corner. She is protecting them with a force field," North points out.

I look to the corner of the screen, and see three people inside of a force field watching the girl fight the nightmares.

"Is that Rapunzel?" I ask.

"It can't be- the girl's hair is brown," Astrid replies.

"No.... that's Rapunzel alright. Unless Rapunzel has a twin sister which I know nothing of- that's Rapunzel," Hiccup says.

"We have to help them!" Astrid shouts.

"But that is Pitch's daughter!" Bunny shouts. "Well it looks like she's not on his side! We can't leave them to die- there are random kids in that store that she is protecting! She can't hold them off forever," Tooth shouts.

"She is definitely right. We need to bring them to the Workshop. You say that girl is your friend?" North asks us.

"Yes," we all reply.

"Okay then. Let's use a snow globe to get there and a snow globe to get them back here. Then I need two of you to fight off the nightmares while I talk to Eritrea," North says.

All the guardians nod.

"Wait here kidlets," North says to us.

He throws a snow globe down, and they all vanish.

"Who are those people with Rapunzel?" I ask.

"Beats me," says Hiccup.

"I hope she's okay.. I haven't seen her ever since her and Jack were taken by Pitch," Astrid utters.

Suddenly a portal opens due to the globe, and Rapunzel falls in, with three other people.

North and Tooth follow behind them.

"Rapunzel!" we call out. "Huh?" she groans.

She looks up suddenly. "Anna? Hiccup? Astrid!" She shouts.

She gets up and rushes to us, as we all hug her.

"Bro we missed you so much," Astrid utters.

"I missed you guys too," Rapunzel says.

"What happened to your hair?" Hiccup asks, as we all pull apart.

"What's going on?" One of the boys ask. "North? Tooth? You saved us?" Eritrea questions.

Tooth crosses her arms. "Yes, because we are Guardians. It doesn't mean we are friends with you," Tooth mutters, crossing her arms.

"Who are these people?" Rapunzel asks.

Everyone starts talking very loud, and I honestly can't hear anything that anyone is saying.

"QUIET!" North booms.

Everyone shuts up.


"Let's settle this properly," North mumbles.

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