Times Up

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Elsa POV

I wake up, and my head is pounding unexplainably hard.

I groan, and hold my head. "Elsa, you're awake," Jack says, seeming somewhat hopeful that I'm alive or something.

"Yea.." I reply. I glance in front of me, seeing Merida and Hiccup on the other wall.

"Hey Elsa... I'm glad you're feeling okay," Merida says, obviously crying.

The room was silent for about ten more minutes.

If only these things on our ankles would come off, I could just freeze the chains and break them off.

I glance at Jack, who had his head down. He looks so lifeless, and it hurt me to see him like that.

"Jack," I call.

He looks up at me. His eyes are red, and he was crying.

"Elsa I'm just gonna tell you now. I-"

He is interrupted as the door opens, which reveals Pitch.

"Hey guys. Just came to say goodbye," he says smiling, and waving.

What a psycho.

"Listen, please just let us go," Hiccup says. Pitch shakes his head. "Can't do that. I can't let all of you go. Maybe you and your girlfriend, since you have nothing to do with this," Pitch says.

Hiccup doesn't even have a girlfriend. It was Astrid, but now there is obviously something going on with him and Merida.

"It's the redhead right?" Pitch says. Hiccup shakes his head. "Astrid. Please let me and Astrid go," Hiccup says.

Merida's jaw drops.


I wish I didn't see that, that must have been really painful for Merida.

Pitch shakes his head. "Well... you chose the wrong one. Astrid has powers and denied me so- she has to die. Sorry," Pitch says shrugging.

"Anyway, have a good time in the afterlife," he says.

He pushes a huge red button, and then walks out.

I see all the windows shutting, and all of a sudden- water enters the room.

Anna POV

I watch as Pitch leaves, and I can hear the commotion from inside the room- as well as the water filling up in there.

They would end up dying really quickly, because they were sitting down. They wouldn't even be able to swim up for air.

I scratch my head, starting to feel anxious. "Anna... are you okay..." Ariel asks.

I shake my head. "No, I'm not. I thought I wanted her to die for what she did to my parents but now that it's actually happening-" I start.

Ariel nods. "I understand," she says.

"Listen... you're my best friend. I would chose you over Pitch any day. If you want us to save them- we can," she says, with a light smile.

I nod.

She grabs the snow globe Pitch left on the counter, and we rush in. Some of the water pours out, and I try to leave the door open.

It automatically closes.

Crap. We have to hurry.

Most of them were already unconscious due to the water being over their heads. Astrid was the only one who was still actively trying to escape, but she started to drift off.

Me and Ariel rush to each of them, taking their chains off.

"Ariel, don't you have water powers?! Can't you reduce this?!" I shout over the water. She shakes her head. "I can't control it! I'll just make it worse!" she shouts back.

I lastly uncuff Jack, but I was struggling due to water going over my head.

The water is almost filling the whole room so I swim up the surface. "Ariel, toss me a globe!" I shout.

She throws me one, and it hits the ceiling creating a little crack in it.

"Hurry Anna!" Ariel shouts, before her head goes back under.

I go back under water, and throw the globe down as hard as I can.

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