Hiccup's Decision

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A knock is heard on my door, making me set my book down, and look up. "Come in?" I call out. The door creaks open, and Hiccup walks in nervously.

He shuts the door behind him softly, and tiptoes over to my bed. I don't think it necessary to tiptoe, but maybe it is. It's about six am, so everyone's asleep- and the floor creaks a lot when you walk on it.

He perches on the side of my bed, looking at me frantically. "Yes Hiccup?" I ask, as he fiddles with his thumbs. "I know who I want to be with," he says, making me smile. I feel happy, but somewhat nervous. One of my friends would have their heart broken today.

"Who?" I ask, as I leaned in close. He doesn't answer for awhile. "I mean, I still have feelings for both, as drafty as that sounds- but I know who I am suppose to be with," he says, as I nod. "Well, tell me!" I exclaim.

He sighs and opens his mouth, releasing his choice to me. "I choose-"


Hiccup left, and everything he said replayed vigorously in my mind. He would tell both of them separately, about who he wants to be with. I felt bad for the friend he didn't pick. I cringed, thinking of how upset she will be.

I leave my room and head to Jack's room, about to wake him up. I assumed he's sleeping, and don't even bother to knock. I walk in, and shut the door behind me. "Wake up sleepy-"

I frown, seeing him up and awake, grabbing socks. "I didn't think you would be up this early," I say, as he shrugs. "I don't know... I guess I was too excited to sleep for long," he states.

"Excited about what?" I ask. He smiles. "Excited to see you," he replies, making me blush. He's so sweet. I walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his torso, giving him a heartwarming hug.

He hugs me back kissing my forehead, and I pulled away about to leave. "Hey, where you goin?" Jack asks, grabbing my hand and keeping me from turning away. "Oh, I don't know... I was just about to go downstairs," I reply as he pouts.

"Don't leave, stay with me," he says. I smile.



It's now nine pm, and Elsa and I were watching some weird movie in the basement. It just finished, and I have already eaten about three bags of popcorn. If Elsa didn't stop me, six would be a minimum of what I would of eaten.

"This movie was so dumb Elsa, I'm never watching a chick flick again," I say, throwing a piece of popcorn I found on the floor at the screen. I glance at her, seeing tears stream down her eyes, as she stares at the screen with a sad hypnotized look.

"What the- come on Elsa! Don't tell me you're crying for this!" I exclaim. She wipes her tears, looking at me sadly. "This was so sad....so horrible! How could someone make such a movie like this!?" Elsa cries, falling out of her beanie chair and falling splat on the floor.


Footsteps distract me from saying what I was about to say, and I look up. Hiccup hovers over me, standing there nervously. "Hey, um Mer, may I speak to you please?" he asks.

"Well, I'm right here, you can speak," I reply, as he furrows his eyebrows. "No...I mean alone," he states.

He looked very nervous. "Sure," I state.

He takes me to his room and shuts the door, as we sit on his bed. "Mer, I like you," he states.

"A lot," he says. I just stare at him, and he places his hand on mine. "I'm sorry for all the pain I caused...you didn't deserve it at all," he apologizes.

"Oh... okay," was all I could say.

"And Mer, I don't know when I would be able to get over you....but I know who I want to be with now," he says, as I nod.

It's obviously Astrid.

"Can you just say it already? Get it over with," I say, stressing at his silence. I brace myself for his heartbreaking reply. He tightens his grip on my hand. "I choose..." he starts.

I shut my eyes.

"Astrid," he states softly.

"I know," I say.

He looks at me worried, worried that I would be upset, and I was. But I'm not gonna lash out- well not anymore.

"Okay well, I guess I'll see you later," I say. I get up and start to walk away, but he holds my arm, forbidding me to go forward. He stands up slowly, and stands close to me.

"W-what is it Hiccup?" I ask, my voice cracking, and try to hold in the tears. "Merida. I'm so sorry. I-"

"No....don't say anything else," I say, cutting him off.

I tug my arm away, and face him.

"It's okay Hiccup; really. It's obvious you and Astrid are meant to be," I state. I feel a tear slip accidentally.


"No but I-"

I don't wait for him to finish- and quickly walk out of his room.

I won't let him see me cry anymore.

No, don't you dare cry. You knew this would happen, you prepared for this. Don't you dare, cry.

But of course I did anyway.

Well, there you go guys, Hiccstrid won. ( so far😊 ) Hey, that doesn't mean I'm gonna change it later on, it just means Hiccstrid is in right now.

Sorry Mericup's, but if you go back and look at the past comments, you will obviously see that Hiccstrid overpowered you. I'm sorry.....😭If you want Mericup, I will be making more Jelsa Mericup books.

Sorry if I let any of y'all down. I beg, don't stop reading this just because your ship didn't win....I mean Jelsa is still in....and Jelsa is awesome!! Yayyy....*awkward laugh*- not working huh....😶

But yea, hope you enjoyed this chappie too.

Love, moi🤗

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