Who Are You?

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Hiccup POV

It's been a long week and a half. I haven't spoken to Astrid for a good minute. I want to- but she doesn't return my calls or texts.

Merida hasn't been to school in days, and she hasn't answered my calls or texts either.

Elsa runs up to me, walking along the hallway with me. "Hey," she greets, smiling happily. She's been looking much better these days.

"Hey," I smile, ruffling her hair. Elsa and I have always been really good friends. She scowls at me for ruffling her hair, and tries to fix it.

"You seem to be deep in thought. Are you okay?" she asks. I shrug. "Just thinking about this whole Merida thing," I say. She sighs, nodding. "Right? I can't believe she moved away in such short notice," Elsa utters.

We keep walking, and I stop.

"Wait- What?" I ask, my eyes almost popping out of their sockets. Elsa frowns. "You didn't know that?" she asks, perplexed. I shake my head vigorously. "The last time I saw her, she said she loves me and kissed me on the cheek," I tell her.

Elsa facepalms. "That's why Astrid dumped you huh," she says. I nod. "Has she talked to you about it?" I ask. "She told me she broke up with you, but never told me why yet. She was gonna come over my place today so- maybe she was planning to," Elsa explains.

"Can you tell me what she says?" I ask, trying to give her puppy dog eyes. Elsa laughs. "I don't know, depends on the content. I got to stick to girl code, you know?" Elsa says smiling.

I roll my eyes. "Where did Mer move to?" I ask. "Her hometown back in Scotland... she isn't coming back," Elsa says.

I stay frozen.

She isn't coming back....

"And she didn't even bother to say bye?" I whisper. Elsa sighs.

"I guess what she did was her saying bye..." Elsa says.

Elsa POV

I sit on the swing and kick the wood chips in boredom. I glance next to me seeing Jack sitting on the swings as well. We've been hanging out a lot ever since I left the hospital.

"Dude, if those wood chips get in your feet it's gonna hurt," he says, watching me kick the wood chips with my bare feet.

"It's not gonna go in my foot," I say, rolling my eyes.

"It's getting dark now, we should head out," Jack says. I nod, putting on my flip flops and standing up.

I suddenly hear movement in the bushes behind the park, making me whip my head around.

"Elsa, come on," Jack calls. I rush to him, slightly creeped out.

We walk down the sidewalk, and we end up in my neighborhood.

"It's okay now, you don't gotta walk me all the way home," I say to him. He shakes his head. "Yes I do," he says.

I then hear rustling in the bushes by the fence, making me frown. "What the heck bro," I whisper. I walk towards the bush, and Jack grabs my arm.

"What the heck are you doing? What if it's a animal with rabies or something?" he says. I roll my eyes. I then see two people get up and run.

"What the... were they following us?!" Jack shouts.

I am now officially freaked out.


Astrid came over, since I was completely horrified. "Dude, call the cops or something," Astrid said, chewing her popcorn loudly.

"And say what? We have no idea who those people were," I say.

My phone beeps indicating I got a message. I flip my phone over and see a text from Jack.

Jack : you okay?

I smile at his text.

Elsa : yea I'm fine Astrid's here

Jack : tell her I said wassup.

"Astrid, Jack says what's up," I tell her. She rolls her eyes. "I still don't like him," she mumbles.

"Why? He's cool now," I reply.

Astrid stares at me perplexed. "Good God," she says, looking at me. "What?" I ask.

"You like him again, don't you," she says.

I stay quiet. Astrid groans. "Elsa come on!" She's shouts.

I roll my eyes. "Look, I'm tired okay? Let's sleep and talk about this tomorrow," I tell her. She sighs and shrugs. "Alright, fine," she says, laying down on the couch.

I feel myself drift off to sleep really quickly.

Something makes me instantly wake up. Screams.

I open my eyes, seeing Astrid being dragged by someone in a back mask, hoodie and sweatpants.

"What the- what's going on?!" I scream.

I should have called the cops.

I try to get up, but feel something hard hit my head.

I hear Astrid scream my name, but I feel myself loose consciousness.


My eyes slowly open, and my head immediately starts pounding. It didn't take me long to figure out I was no longer in my house.

I try sitting up, but my body aches.

I look around the room, and see nothing really except white walls, and the bed I was strapped to. In front of me was a big TV. The door opens, and in comes someone with a black mask on, and red hair trailing down her back.

I could feel my heart beating so hard that I thought it would come out of my chest. "Who are you?! Why am I here?" I shout.

"Wow... you were asleep for way too long," the person says. I could tell their voice was masked with something electronic.

I see this person holding my phone, waving it in my face. "I didn't forget this. You have a ton of messages," the person says.

I see her scrolling. "Wow.. Jack has become obsessed with you," she says giggling. "He seems really frantic.. he even went to your house or something to look for you- so he's flipping out," she tells me.

I feel rage stir in me.

That's when she threw my phone to the ground. When I say threw, I mean threw.

She used a lot of force, and I cringe as I hear the shattering.

I growl. "Why?" I say angrily.

"Let me go!" I shout, struggling to free myself. I feel the temperature of the room drop drastically. My body gets extremely cold, but it doesn't bother me.

"Who are you?!?!" I screech.

The person laughs. She takes her mask off, and has my jaw dropping.


"How?" I ask, tears filling my eyes .

"Did they ever confirm I died?" she asks me, unplugging the thing that made her voice sound different.

"Did they ever find my body?" she asks me.

I watch her in shock. "Next time dig a little deeper before trying to kill yourself," she says nonchalantly.

I couldn't believe my eyes for a second. She's really here.

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