Chapter: Twenty Nine

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"I-I-I what"? I stutter.

"You have thyroid cancer, stage two".  The doctor explained.

"I'm so sorry baby".  Daniel said rubbing my knuckles.

I started to tear up. A tear fell down the my cheek.

"So what's does this mean no school, oxygen tank twenty four seven, I'm confused".  I said looking at the doctor.

"Well it does mean you need to have oxygen but only at night when you're sleeping for the time being, but we're hoping that it doesn't get worse. Which if it does we'll talk about that if we get to that. But you will need to take it easy. So which means stay in bed as much as possible, not outside activities like skateboarding, roller skating, maybe swimming once you get enough strength".  The doctor explained.

"Wow, I don't have any words, u-uh but when can I go home"? I stutter.

"Well since we figured out what's wrong, you can go home after your parents sign you out".  The doctor explained.

"Cool".  I said sadly.

How did I end up with cancer? Why? Why me? Why not someone else? My thoughts were uncontrollable.

Joey and Daniel signed me out, and they took me home.

I laid in bed hooked up to oxygen thinking about how I blew off Nick last night. So I picked up my phone and texted him.

Nick I'm so sorry I didn't make it last night. I ended up in the hospital. I can explain everything just come over.

I'll be there in ten 😊

Ten Minutes Later

Joey's POV

I heard a knock at the door, and when I opened it I saw a boy that I didn't know.

"Hi are you one of Izz's friends or something"? I asked.

"Yes I'm , is she okay?" Austin asked.

"Oh yes she is, I'm Joey by the way".  I said as he stepped in.

"She's this way".  I said taking him upstairs to her room.

Me and Nick walked up to her room. I knocked on the door, and her head shot up.

Izz's POV

"Hi dad wh-" I stopped in the midst of my sentence to see Nick behind Joey.

Nick stepped forward and came to sit on the edge of my bed.

"H-h-hi Izz".  He said shyly.

"Hi Nick". I said breathing softly.

"So what's wrong with you"? He questioned.

"Dad could you explain it to him with me"? I asked Joey.

"Sure". He said walking over to my bed.

I scooted over so he could sit.he held my hand and we both looked at Nick.

"Nick I'm sorry I blew you off, but this is serious, i-i have..." I stopped.

"Nick she has stage two thyroid cancer". Joey sniffed.

"S-she what"? He stuttered.

"I have thyroid cancer, which doesn't mean I'm dying". I said proudly, but I wasn't proud, I have to tell my friend I have cancer. That's hard for someone who can't breath very well.

------------------10 minutes later

We visited for a little not,and then his mom texted him to come home.

"I'll see you later Izz". He said after he hugged me.

"Wait Nick come here for a sec". He stopped and came back to me.

I pulled him into a kiss.

"More than friends"? He questioned.

"Yes". I said before he walked out of my room.

Nick's POV

I thanked Joey and Daniel for letting me see Izz. Then I walked outside and started my car.

Once I was half way home, I got caught up in a bunch of traffic. I tried to text my mom,but it started to pour down rain and I lost signal.

3rd Person POV

Once the traffic started going again, Nick was going way over the speed limit...

Then, CRASH!!

Nick's car had been totaled.

With firefighters and police and a few ambulances, Nick was transferred to LA Hospital. He had part of the steering wheel in his diaphram, and his abdomen.

Adopted By Joey And Daniel {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now