Chapter Twenty Eight

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(The song up above is just a calming song for this,i really don't know anymore)

After Dinner

Shane dropped off Izz.

"Thanks for inviting me guys, I had fun" I said as it to out of the car.

"Anytime Izz, say hi to Joey and Daniel for us"! Shane said out the window.

"I will"! I said going inside.

It was dark in the entry hallway, but I could see a slight light in the living room.

I walked into the living room with Daniel and Joey asleep. Joey had his head on Daniels shoulder.

I turned off the projector and went upstairs to my bedroom.

I got into my pjs and snuggled up in my bed and went on my laptop. I read The Fault In Our Stars for a little bit and before I went to bed I texted Nick goodnight.

Next Morning

I woke up feeling sick. So I fell back asleep. Daniel soon came in to see if I was up.

"Izz baby, you awake"? Daniel asked as he sat down on my bed.

He looked over to see my face. I was pale as hell.

Daniel shook me awake but it didn't work.

"JOEY"! Daniel yelled.

Joey ran in frantically.

"What's wrong"? Joey asked.

"She's really pale let's get her into the car and take her to the hospital". Daniel said picking me up.

"Okay I'll go start the car"! Joey said running down the stairs shirtless.

They drove to the hospital and Daniel rushed Izz into the ER.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP"! Daniel yelled.

A nurse soon ran over and put Izz on a stretcher, and rolled her off to another room leaving Joey and Daniel scared and worried. They waited in the waiting room for a little bit and then their names were called.

"Please follow me gentlemen". The nurse said as they walked to a conference room.

Joey and Daniel sat next to each other and the nurse sat next to Izz's doctor.

"Mr. Graceffa and Mr.Preda your daughter is alive, but we did notice that she has a touch of thyroid cancer. We don't know how it was caused, but we're gonna have to keep her over night for testing, you are both more than welcome to stay with her". The doctor said.

Joey's POV

Once I heard him say cancer, I thought worst thing ever...death.

Daniel started to hear Joey start to cry. He rubbed the side of his shoulder.

"Can we see her"? Daniel asked.

"Yes you can,but she's hooked up to oxygen because she can't breath very well". The doctor said as they walked to her room.

We walked into her room to see her asleep on the bed. I walked over calmly and brushed her hair with my hand.

I started to tear up, Daniel came up behind me and rubbed my shoulder blade. Her breathing was faint but the good thing is shed alive, I thought to myself.

Me and Daniel sat there all night wondering if she would wake up, until the next morning...

Izz's POV

I can hear them talking, but I can't open my eyes. But soon enough I got up the strength, which I don't know where it came from. But I opened my was blurry at first but then my eyes settled and I saw Joey on my left. And Daniel on my right. Joey looked over at my face and gasped.

"Daniel she's awake"! Joey shouted.

Daniel looked over at me and smiled, Joey ran and got the doctor.

Both Joey and the doctor ran inside my room.

After About Fifteen Minutes

I sat up with the help from Joey and Daniel, and the doctor talked to us for a little while.

"Izz we figured out why you didn't wake up for a while, and before I tell you I want your parents consent before I tell". He said as he handed them a paper to sign.

They signed it,and the doctor told me what happened.

"Izz you have thyroid cancer...

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