Chapter: Eight

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Joey and Daniel got dressed and did their hair.

Joey walked to Izz's bedroom.

"Okay Izz we're gonna get going, are you ready"? Joey asked.

"Yes dad".  Izz said. 

They all walked down the stairs and got into the car.

Twenty Minutes Later

They arrived at their destination.

"Okay Izz I'm gonna tell you to cover your eyes at one point, once we're there".  Daniel said.

"Okay, but can I have a hint to where we're going"? Izz asked.

"Nope not this time".  Daniel said as him and Joey held hands to the Rain Room.

The video above is Joey and Daniel kissing in the rain, this is one of my favorite videos by Joey.  Please watch.

They walked for five minutes and made it to the Rain Room.

"Cover your eyes".  Daniel said.

Three Minutes later

"Okay Izz we're here".  Joey said.

"Okay and LOOK"! Daniel said as Izz uncovered her eyes and saw the surprise.

"OH MY GOODNESS, THIS IS AMAZING"! Izz said smiling in amazement.

"Isn't it"? Joey said going into the water.

An Hour Later.

"We should get going it's getting late guys".  Daniel said.

"Aww it's so much fun".  Izz said as they all walked out of the Rain Room.

"I know, me and Daniel came here for our anniversary last year".  Joey said holding Daniel's hand.

"That's cute, I love you guys".  Izz said hugging them both.

"Aww we love you too Izz".  Daniel said as they pilled into the car.

When They Got Home

Izz went to her bedroom
Her Bedroom:

Once Joey put Izz to bed he closed her door very carefully

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Once Joey put Izz to bed he closed her door very carefully. And then Daniel came upstairs.

"Today was fun"? Joey asked Daniel.

"Well we've had her for almost a week, and we have years ahead if us".  Daniel said.

"Yeah I agree".  Joey said going into the bathroom to brush his teeth.
                SEXUAL CONTENT

"You know, now that she is asleep, we could do some adult stuff, if you want".  Daniel suggested

Daniel walked over to Joey at the sink and hugged his waist from behind.

Joey spit in the sink, and turned around to Daniel.

Daniel kissed him and they soon mad it to the bed. And had sex if you haven't caught on.
The Next Day

Izz woke up and noticed that she was in her bed.

"How is it that I fall asleep in the car all the time"? Izz wonders to herself.

Izz gets out of bed and goes downstairs. She finds Wolf where he isn't supposed to be, in the pantry.

"Wolf what are you doing buddy"? Izz says to Wolf.

"Look at the mess you made, I gotta go get Joey and Daniel, or I could clean it myself".  Izz said.

"I don't think I should wake them up, I'll clean it so they don't have to".  Izz said going to go grab the garbage can.

Wolf got into Daniel's rice cakes, and Joey's vegan granola bars for when he goes to the gym.

Once she picks it all up she takes the dogs outside. 

She plays catch with the dogs. And then Daniel comes out cause he here's Izz laughing hysterically.

"What's going on"? Daniel said smiling looking at Izz as she gets tons of kisses from Wolf and Storm.

"Oh nothing Dad, I'm just playing with the boys".  Izz says as she hugs Daniel tightly.

"Do you want anything to eat"? Daniel asked.

"Not really I'm not hungry, but Wolf ate your Rice Cakes, and Joey's granola bars".  Izz said as she threw Wolf's ball.

"Okay, well he should know better".  Daniel said.

"Yeah".  Izz said petting Storm.

Izz plays with Wolf and Storm for a little more, and then goes inside.

"Oh morning Dad".  Izz said hugging Joey.

"Good morning Princess, did you sleep okay"? Joey asked.

"Yeah no nightmare this time".  Izz said sitting on a stool at the counter.

"That's awesome".  Joey said.

"So what's the plan for today"? Daniel asked.

"I don't know, maybe we should do some spring cleaning".  Joey said.

"Sounds good".  Izz said as she went upstairs.

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