Guy 23: Sebastian Stan.

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A/N Hey lookie there! I am back! How have you all been?! Good? I have been fine! Here's another fella!

   So I went and saw The Winter Soldier on its opening weekend and I loved the movie, I loved Steve Rogers and Romanov and everything about it! And also The Winter Soldier himself! Played by the incredibly charming Sebastian Stan.

   In The First Avenger Sebastian was introduced as James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes. Steve Rogers best friend and also the hottest guy until The Cap was born! I kind of liked him in The First Avenger, he was Steve's best friend through thick and thin and he served his country and all that. But what girl wasnt caught up in the glory that is Captain Steve 'America' Rogers?!

   Fast forward to The Winter Soldier. He did an amazing job for a man who had to rely mainly on physical acting, pretty much because he didnt speak much. For such a normally happy go lucky fella he made us believe he was the tortured, broken, lost soul that is The Winter Soldier/ Bucky.

   We felt his pain even if he didnt remember it, and we all hoped he would come out on the good side of things. That takes alot from an actor who has very few speaking lines! It also helps that I am pretty sure he got hotter in the three years between Captain America movies....

   Although playing Bucky is by far Sebastian's most well known role. The 30 year old Romanian American actor has also been in The Black Swan, Rachel Getting Married, Hot Tub Time Machine. And for the die hard geeks he played The Mad Hatter in ABC's Once Upon A Time series. (Which I am now desperately wanting to get back into watching!)

  Since The Winter Soldier has come out, Stan's fame has launched to the forefront and he appears on my tumblr dash at least once a day! And let me tell you, I am starting to think that Sebastian is trying to give the other actors who's villains we all love so much a run for their money!

  Like Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch, who have been mentioned in this series. Sebastian plays an amazing villain and is in real life an incredibly charming lovably funny human being. Minus of course, the British accent. But no one seems to mind much!

   Sebastian is so very sexy, and I love his name alot too, I give him a 9 for sexiness and a 9 for just plain hottness! I mean look at that collage over to the side! I made it because I couldnt decide which photo to use! He is just too damn hot!

  As always stare for as long as you like! And I hope to be back again very soon! Although I warn you it will probably be with a Winter Soldier/ Bucky article! Haha! Have fun guys! Hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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