Sexy Villain 3: Mr. Clever

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A/N Sorry I have been gone for so long guys! Been very busy! But I thought I would do a sexy villain for all of you! And who is sexier than Mr. Clever....besides the guys I've already mentioned?! Enjoy guys!


       Okay can I start off by saying I was kinda worried that Matt could only do goofy lovable guy but then Nightmare In Silver airs and Holy Crap! I fell hopelessly in  love with his beautiful acting! Hehe I really did! Mr. Clever was so perfect! He was a combination of the goofy man we all love mixed with evil and sinister awesomeness!

   "Sit back and relax this will be a perfectly pleasant experience." Yep I was agreeing with Mr. Clever the entire time! I was grinning from ear to ear! Especially when he started flirting with Clara! But good ol Clara figured it out lickety split! Can't blame a cyberplanner for trying though!

      Although he did kinda look like he got assimilated by the Borg..... it didnt take away from Matt's sexy good looks as he played this sexy evil villain! In fact! I think they did a great job with Matt's whole look!

     I would totally want all of the evil villains I have mentioned to meet and they would all just be like "I am so much better than you." I swear it twould be epic! "Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, DOCTOR!" Hehehee We will miss Eleven! And any chances we had of getting Mr. Clever back!

    I know I will miss him and all of his sexy evilness! But then again I was the girl who screamed at her tv when Moriarty blew his brains out but laughed when Sherlock jumped.... since well I knew Sherlock wasnt dead! But anyway Mr. Clever is dead sadly.... or at least I think he is!

    So I give him an 8.5 on the villain scale and he is supes sexy! Gotta love him! Sexy Matt pic to the side as well... I know its not Mr. Clever but still..... there is however a Mr. Clever tribute vid to the side!

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