Guy 10: David Tennant.

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A/N Hehehe yes I did save David Tennant till my tenth guy on purpose! Mainly because he is the 10th Doctor! (Or is he....) Heheh anyway! This man is very sexy enjoy ladies!


     David Tennant..... hmmmm where. to. start? I first met this sexy man as the tenth Doctor in Doctor Who. It was hard not to fall in love with him in the first five minutes! What with him bouncing around and being all funny and cute!

    And don't even get me started on THE HAIR!!!!!!!! David has about the most perfect hair a man can have, David Tennant is the reason why I love great hair! I mean! just look at it! It's beautiful! absolutely mucho perfecto!

     But moving on from David's hair..... he is also an exceptional actor and is also considered one of the best Doctor's amongst Whovians! And that is quite an honor considering how picky we Whovians can be! I honestly haven't seen him in alot other than Doctor Who, but I am definitely looking forward to seeing him come back in the 50th Anniversary along side sexy Matt Smith!

    The 42 year old actor is not single, he is married to Actress Georgia Moffett and they have two children and a third on the way! An interesting fun fact is that David's father in law is actually the 5th Doctor Peter Davidson. So essentially his father in law is himself... not really but you know what I mean!

   I give David Tennant a score of 8 and he is very sexy, although in my mind if I could make him a ten I would! Same goes for Benedict Cumberbatch! Pic of David to the side! And a ummm very sexy youtube video with clips from some of the things he has been in!

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