Sexy Villains 2: John Harrison

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A/N Soooooo I should be doing school, or working on an actual story but I'm not! So in case you all don't know John Harrison is the villain from the new Star Trek movie! This is going to be the spoiler free version for those of you who haven't seen it! But I will be posting a version that is full of spoilers as well! So it will be marked in big capitals SPOILERS FOR INTO DARKNESS! ENTER AT OWN RISK! Okay? Keep your eyes open for that one!

      John Harrison.... I saw Into Darkness the day it premiered and let me say when He was introduced I sat there grinning like an idiot! I swear it was perfection! He didn't even say anything but you knew it was going to be Epic just by the look on his face!

   It was as if Benedict Cumberbatch was sending a telepathic message to us going "You will love me, I am the perfect villain!" And we just sat there grinning going "Oh we know this is going to be good! We believe you Ben!"

   But without giving a way to many spoilers... which is hard to do because this movie is full of them! I can only tell you that John Harrison is going to go down in scifi history as one of the best villains ever created! He was beautifully written and beautifully played!

    There was sadly a scene cut from the movie, in which Benedict Cumberbatch was taking a shower as John Harrison... for some reason they felt the need to edit this out of the movie! Why I will never know! But the clip is posted to the side in the youtube video!

     I think the biggest fangirl moment for me is the fact that John Harrison sports the trenchcoat with the turned up collar JUST LIKE SHERLOCK!!!!!!!!! When I saw that I almost screamed in the movie theatre! Well you can actually see what I mean off to the side in the picture! Besides the fact that the movie poster is in spanish! But you get my drift!


   In my opinion John Harrison is a 9 on the sexy villain scale and he is so sexy there are not enough sexy's to use! Please check out the video to the side! It is hilarious and includes the deleted Shower scene from the movie!


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