Sexy Villains 4: Loki

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Two updates in one day! I just couldnt resist guys!!! So this one is Loki.... hehehe so much fun in store!





      Loki, the 'adopted' brother of Thor. Thor insists on the adotped part. He is Evil, he is sexy, he is misunderstood. What more do you need in a good villain? I know I dont need anymore than that! Besides an some incredible acting talent!

    Tom Hiddleston brought all of these things when he took the part of Loki, and it is for that reason that he is the most popular Marvel character! Its hard to believe Joss Whedon actually wanted two villains in Thor because he thought Loki wouldnt be sinister enough..... sure Joss keep your ideas to yourself.

    Loki is plenty evil and an hold his own even against all of the Avengers! He has enough sarcastic whit and humor to keep up with Tony Stark for pitys sake! And that is not an easy thing to do! He can take over the Marvel panel at comic con and not get thrown out!

     He can have any woman he wants, and I am serious, literally any woman would be willing to sleep with Tom Hiddleston! And even more than that would want to sleep with Loki I bet! A post on tumblr once said "Growing up is when you stop being scared of villains, and start wanting to have sex with them."

   This post is incredibly accurate! And I am being totally honest about this. Who woudnt want to have sex with Loki? (And I know this article is getting very risque and most likely is full of innuendos but who cares?!)

    I am looking forward to seeing Loki return in Thor 2, and I honestly hope that he cleans up his act and gets his happy ending. If not JOSS WHEDON I DEMAND YOU GIVE LOKI HIS OWN MOVIE WITH HIS OWN LOVE STORY AND EVERYTHING!!!! Sorry off topic, but yea, if Loki is going to stay evil, then he needs his own movie! Who agrees with me on this?

    Loki is a total 9 on the sexy hottness scale He is so hot and sexy I just love him! So sassy as well! Hahaha! Pic of him to the side.... when he took over the Marvel Panel at Comic Con!

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