Guy 1: Matt Smith

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     Hehe kicking this baby off with one of Britains sexiest men! Now granted they have a ton! But Matt is one of the sexiest! A former footballer (soccer) who was forced to retire due to a back injury. He turned to acting as his courier when pro-ball was out of the question, and thank the Lord above he did.

    On first glance Matt is not the kind of man you would think of as attractive, but once you see him on camera he just comes to life and is soon one of the sexiest men you have ever seen! And we all have to keep in mind that his football past makes him quite the ladies man!

    A self professed klutz, Matt Smith is so clumsy that everyone else is afraid to be near him when he even has something remotely dangerous! If anyone could kill you with a flying guitar, it would be Matt! But the ladies don't seem to mind to much!

   Currently single the 30 year old actor is rumored to be mending his former relationship with model Daisy Lowe.... but hey at least he is single for the moment right?!

   Now Matt's pic is posted off to the side and if you have never seen it before you are probably looking at it and going "Jo you must be out of your freaking mind to think this man is sexy." And some of you might be!

   But please remember Rule 2? And just watch Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor and you will know why I find him so adorable! and Sexy! and just perfect! I have a friend who fell in love with Matt Smith after watching him as the Doctor for five minutes! She is a fangirl to the core now!

   In other news.... if you do know who Matt Smith is, and you love him as much as I do! You are probably aware that he is starring in a movie Ryan Gosling is directing called "How To Catch A Monster." And you probably know that the accursed Gosling (who I loved before this) made Matt Smith shave off all of his luscious dark brown locks! I cried over the loss! CURSE YOU GOSLING!!!!!

   Anyway this ends my rant as to why I think Matt Smith is one of the sexiest men alive! On the Jo Archer scale, he is Sexy and an 8!

A/N Song is I'm Sexy and I know it. by LMFAO and Matt Smith is off to the side!

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