Sexy Character 2: Patrick Jane.

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A/N New sexy character as requested by @KatieGuinn Hehe I love The Mentalist and Simon Baker so this should be a good one!





       Patrick Jane aka The Mentalist. Its hard not to love the emotionally damaged fake psychic. What with the blonde hair, blue eyes, and adorable smile... what's not to love?

   Not only is he adorable but he is also smart and cunning, okay lets face it though, Jane is a bit of a wimp at times. Like when a gun appears he just cowers into a corner and begs not to be shot. Or well that's what happens most of the time!

   Deep down inside though Jane is a good guy and valiant hero, even though he is hell bent on killing the guy who killed his wife and daughter... but who could blame him? He is almost entirely unattached emotionally, next to his CBI team that is.

    And come on! Who doesn't ship Jisbon just a little? They are incredibly cute together.... Lisbon tries to be mad at Jane, Jane annoys her and then makes her like him again by smiling that gorgeous boyish smile if his and telling her he caught the killer.

    And don't you just love it when Jane midlessly flirts with all of the women in the room, he will have them smiling and laughing in no time flat, sometimes he does it on purpose, but other times I think he just does it out of habit!

   All in all I kind of wish that Jane could just find Red John and kill him so he can move on with his life, not tell Lisbon or anyone he found him... just have them meet and Jane will be all like "My name is Patrick Jane, you killed my family.... *bang!" Dead Red John..... but that probably wont happen.. poor Jane.

    Patrick Jane is an 8 to 8.5 on the Jo Archer scale and he is very very sexy! There is a pic of him to the side! And also a very funny clip from one of my fave episodes! Hehe Jisbon action in this one!

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