Sexy Character 3: BBC's Sherlock Holmes

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A/N Hello all! I know its been awhile.... I have been busy! And I still am, but right now I am taking a break so I figured I would write an article! Here goes!


      So after the end of series 2 all Moffat and Gatiss left us with was a major cliffhanger, a ton of feels, and a ton of sexy characters! The sexiest of them all being Sherlock himself! Sure Moriarty is sexy and all, but Sherlock has about as much sexiness as he does brains! So that basically means.... he has alot of sexiness!

     So dont deny it, when you first started watching Sherlock you were convinced Sherlock would never ever on the face of this planet or any other ever be attractive to you. Then you were watching an episode one day and in your mind all you kept saying was, and pardon my french. "Hot damn! How did I go 4 episodes without finding this guy attractive?!" Am I right? Yea I know I am.

    But its true! Sherlock has magic sexiness powers that make him absolutely irresistible to any woman on the face of this Earth, except maybe, my mom for some odd (Well for me it is, but I am basically a less intelligent female verison of Sherlock. Bitchy, rude and doesnt put up with crap) And then the rest is body.

    Cause lets face it, Irene Adler was right when she said "Brainy is the new sexy." That it is my lady, that it is. I could actually probably go on all day about how perfect Sherlock is in my mind, and I do sometimes much to the misery of my friends. But I think I will go now and leave you to drool.

    Sherlock is a solid 9.5 on the sexy scale, and on the hottness scale he is a solid 8 there is a pic to the side as always! Enjoy my friends!

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