Guy 16: Ryan Gosling.

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A/N Hi Guys! I'm back! I have hardly been home the past two days, this is the first chance I've had to sit down and relax! But I figured what better way to do it than by writing about a sexy guy?! So here goes! I am writing while I have two of my friends on the phone so this should be interesting......


       Ryan Gosling...... Ummm can I just say this guy gets better looking with age. Think about it in The Notebook, he was  this tall skinny cute guy. And now he is this tall ripped guy. With unlimited sexiness....

      I think I fist saw Gosling in his timeless role in The Notebook, lets face it Noah Calhoun is the perfect man, in every way shape and form. Who doesnt want a guy with an incredibly sexy bod and a work ethic from the gods? I know its what I look for in a man.

     So we all know Ryan is about as sexy as they come, and he only gets sexier as time, and his workout regimen, go on. Yes I know I am kinda obsessing over Ryan Goslings chest and abs and arms and well pretty much every bit of that perfectly tanned n toned bod of his......

    But come on! Just look at the pic to the side! The man is totes sexy! (I have been hanging around my friend too much, I'm starting to talk like her.) Hehe anyway... Off of Ryan's bod now... we could talk about his ridiculously handsome face...... which well is so ridiculously handsome there arent really any other words to describe it actually!

    Okay! So before I get any dirtier than my already dirty mind is lets move on to relationship status! The 32 year old actor is sadly not single he is dating Eva Mendes. Who is pretty much in his league, okay who am I kidding she is totally in his league!

     On the Jo Archer scale Ryan is an 8.5. (my friends helped me on this one) and he is sexy, but I think his looks actually might trump his sexiness..... at any rate gfi of him to the side! It very sexy! Enjoy my lovely readers!

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