Guy 15: James Marsden.

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A/N Hiya people! How's it goin? So I won't be able to post at all tomorrow most likely since I am going to an amusement park with the family! But here is one for you now! And I may do one later tonight! Enjoy guys!


      James Marsden, he has his sexy moments, but I think he is generally more cute than sexy. And I mean that will all of my love and admiration!

    I was inspired to do him because I just finished watching Enchanted and well yes James Marsden plays the adorable bumbling prince and he is stupid and all of that but still! He is just too cute to pass up!

    Okay I take back what I originally said, looking through pics of James to post on here I am finding a TON! Of sexy ones! Like a Ton! Sorry.... I wish I could post them all on here, but I cant so I have to try and find the perfect one!

    Besides playing the bumbling prince in Enchanted, he was also Cyclops aka Scott Summers in three of the X-Men films, and lets not forget that he played Lon, the jilted lover in The Notebook. It's really easy to forget Lon since we all kind of get lost in the beauty that is Noah Calhoun.

    In fact James has been in lots of things, he costarred along side Katherine Heigl In 27 Dresses on of my favorite movies! And his Benny and the Jets performance was priceless! But yes... anyone who doesn't think this man is hot should probably stop and rethink their life just sayin.

    So from what I can see the 39 year old actor is divorced and single with three kids. So I am not sure how that puts him in the availability department but if you think that package is cool then go for it! I wish you the best of luck!

      On the Jo Archer scale James is a solid 8, and his sexiness scale is at the top of the charts! Hehe I like it when sexy knows no bounds! But pic of him to the side! In case your crazy and dont know who he is! Also funny vid to the side!




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