Sexy Villains 1: James Moriarty.

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A/N So kicking off my sexy villains with none other than the sexy Jim Moriarty from BBC's Sherlock who is played by the phenomenal Andrew Scott! Enjoy ladies!


     James Moriarty, super genius, one and only consulting criminal, and arch enemy of Sherlock Holmes! I think it's safe to say that I am a member of the Moriarmy! What can I say? Moriarty is the sexiest villain ever!!!!!!!

    His first appearance in Sherlock as Jim the gay I.T. guy blew me away! I knew it was Moriarty and that just made it all the funnier to watch him! Then his appearance at the pool, his whole entrance was perfect! "I gave you my number.... I thought you might call." I mean come on! Who didnt laugh?!

    Moriarty is a bipolar, bored, cold blooded murderer, who charmed his way into my heart! Haha! I know I probably sound like an epic freak right now! But Moriarty is the only reason I am going through a 'crush on evil villains stage.'

    Loki was never sexy until Moriarty came along and opened my eyes to the sexiness of being evil! Now I can only see Loki as a sexy evil villain and well any other evil villains! My poor brain has been corrupted!

    I am actually starting to cheer on the villains and not the heroes! Haha but back to Moriarty! His theme song is 'Stayin Alive' by the BeeGees. And when his phone started ringing I was just rolling on the floor with laughter!

    I used to hear Stayin Alive and would think of John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever.... now when I hear it I see Jim Moriarty yelling that he is going to turn me into shoes! Haha the curse of being a Sherlock fangirl I suppose!

     Okay on the Jo Archer scale.... he is one of the sexiest villains but due to lack of physique he only lands an 8. But he is SUPER SUPER SUPER SEXY!!!!!!!!!!! Which counts for alot in my opinion, actually it counts for 95% of the grade!

    Pic of Moriarty to the side! And also a Moriarty tribute video! Hehehehe yes people make those! Yay! Lucky me! May contain Reichenbach falls spoilers so you have been warned!

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