Sexy Villains 2 Part 2: John Harrison. (SPOILERS!!!!)

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A/N This is the spoilers chapter for John Harrison! So only read it if you have seen the movie or don't mind spoilers!


     John Harrison aka Khan! Hehe who knew something was up when he burst in and took on all of those Klingons by himself? Me and my dad just exchanged looks of shock and we were both doing this telepathic communication thing and going "Something isn't right about this." And then our suspicions were confirmed when Kirk punched Khan and he just looked at him.

    Now we didn't figure out it was Khan, we knew he was genetically altered somehow but Khan slipped our minds!  I think that scene were they arrested him and put him in his shiny glass prison and he was talking to Kirk and Spock was such an epic scene!

   His dark clothes contrasted beautifully with the white of the prison making him stand out and look more menacing if that was even possible! Cumberbatch played the villain perfectly! Even making in my opinion us feel a little sorry for him at times.

    Now granted if anyone is a true Trekkie and reading this then you probably know that in the original movies it was Spock that died not Kirk... but Kirk never would have been able to chase down Khan... maybe because well he isn't a super human!

    I actually predicted the whole movie and as everyone else was all sad about Kirk being dead I just kept trying not to yell out in the movie theatre KHAN'S BLOOD DUMMIES!!!!! But yea...

   And the whole Spock and Khan show down in the city. Who fangirled when Khan grabbed the trench coat off that guy and turned the collar up? I KNOW I DID! But seriously Khan is one of the best villains of the year.

   He was sexy, funny, sarcastic, to the point. The only thing I have to say in the negative about Into Darkness is that THEY CUT THE BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH SHOWER SCENE!!!!!!!! When I buy the movie I will be sure to get the extended edition so that scene is in there! Heheh I can work around it!

    So ya'll alread know the rating I gave Khan and it was a pretty high one! Also if any of you know any sexy villains... besides Loki. please let me know! Also the video to the side is of Kirk and Khan talking in the sexy prison scene! Heheee

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