Guy 3: Ben Barnes.

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A/N Hi guys!!!!! I'M BACK!!!!!! Hehehe yes I am working on other stories.... its just I got bored and I am taking a break!!!!!! When I get bored I love to freak out about sexy guys, so these are my thoughts when I am bored basically! Anyway people must be enjoying it because I have over 50 reads and this story was posted just last night! Anyway enjoy the next hottie!


     I first saw this hottie in The Chronicles of Narnia as Prince Caspian. Now you have to keep in mind from the perspective of a 12 year old girl (that was how old I was when it came out.) This guy was about the hottest thing I had ever laid eyes on in my young life.

     Now when I was 12 my family didnt see a ton of movies, so just the thought of being able to go and see a non-animated movie with a guy as hot as this tickled my young fancy to the point that I almost died of little girl crush overload!

    He has yet to be a big name star, although almost everyone knows his name.... its kinda weird if you think about it. He was apparently one of the top four finalists in the auditions for the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight. (I am not a Twihard so thank the Lord he didnt get the role!)

Seeing this man with a sword never ceases to make my temperature rise.... There is just something about his beautiful, sexy, boyish face..... Even though well he was playing a much older than the books Caspian.

    I cannot find out for the life of me if he is in a relationship or not.... which is weird, because I have been looking, but at any rate! At least we have his gorgeous face to stare at on screen! He is in a movie that just released to theatres a few weeks back called The Big Wedding. it is on my too watch list for sure!

    Now I could continue to go on about how freakishly sexy and demigod llike this man is.... but I am actually drawing a blank on how much more I can drool over Ben....... so I give him a score of 8.5 and he is hot and sexy! On the Jo Archer scale!

    Now you can all stop reading my hopeless banter and go stare at Ben Barnes' gorgeous face that is posted to the side next to the drool rags..... heheheh I think I may need one after staring at all of these gorgeous pics trying to find just the right one!

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