Guy 5: Zac Efron.

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A/N Hey all! So I was only going to do two today and then my bestie said I should do one of Zac Efron (he is her celeb husband btw) So I told her I could do a couple more pages and one of them would be Zac! So here goes!


     Zac Efron Hmmmmmm..... where. to. start? How about "YUMMY!" I have had a thing for this guy since I first layed eyes on him and lets face it girls..... who hasnt? He has been in tons of movies since his courier began and I think I am probably the only kid who hasn't seen High School Musical.

    Yes yes I know I am such a deprived child I wasnt a HSM girl.... sorry. But I know he was in it! And come on! Who didn't love 17 Again? That is an awesome movie! And obviously Zac has been in wayyyyy more things than just teen movies.

    The 25 year old sexy star recently showed his more grown up side in The Lucky One. And let me say has this boy GROWN UP! Now I am probably a tad biased in all of this since I have a thing for older guys, but Efron just keeps getting sexier! And SEXIER! and SEXIER!!!

    Maybe it's all of his new found muscles....? Come on! Mucles make any guy better right? It's like their face is the main chorus and then you get to dessert..... hehehe and let me tell you Zac's abs are dessert!

   Great! Now I'm hungry! *grabs some nerds and eats them.....* THEIR THE CANDY! NOT ACTUAL NERDS! I would never eat a guy..... okay well I might lick one.... WHOA SOOOOO OFF TOPIC NOW! BACK TO ZAC!

    As far as I know this man is currently single and I an pretty sure that means he is ready to mingle.... That is so long as my bestie is willing to share....? Well babe? Are you? Guess we will have to wait and see....

   On the Jo Archer scale.... Zak is a 8.8 to a 9 depending on my mood that day and what movie he is in.... oh and he is HOT AND EXTREMELY SEXY!!!!!!!


Jo: Hi guys! I am here with my bestie! Emma! She is very excited to read my Zac Efron article I think..... Like I said she is married to him. "Em are you going to share Zac with the world?"


Jo: Oooooookay then! Well you do know that you two aren't technically a couple right?


Jo: No I don't think so Em.

Emma: You be quiet Archer and let me dream!

Jo: Okay then, thats all for now! I think I need to put Emma into a cold shower.... Pic of sexy apparently NOT SINGLE! Zac off to the side..... with complimentary drool cloths!

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