Guy 9: Benedict Cumberbatch.

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A/N So I am doing a sexy Brit as requested by popular demand! The amazingly sexy Benedict Cumberbatch! I love him in Sherlock and he makes an Phenomenal villain in Star Trek Into Darkness! So prepare for me to fangirl to death in the following article!


      Benedict Cumberbatch.... where to start? How about when I first saw him in Sherlock I did not think he was attractive at all! Yea no I didn't in all honestly! Now I am a Cumberbabe to the core!

    But before I can fangirl over how sexy Ben is... I have to just stop and say that this man is a phenomenal actor. He is one of the best I have ever seen! And I don't throw that kind of stuff around lightly... I critique actors alot and I can find absolutely nothing wrong with this man  AT ALL!

    His role as Sherlock is played perfectly. He brings Conan Doyle's Holmes to life and places him in the modern era perfectly! You never for a second doubt that he isn't Sherlock Holmes. And now seeing him in Star Trek Into Darkness, I am only more convinced in his ability to bring a character to life.

    As a Cumberbatch fangirl sitting in the first showing of Star Trek I could find on the day of it's release and being somewhat of a Trekkie as well. When John Harrison first appeared in the film, I was smiling so wide my face almost stuck like that!

    The man is amazing! And his superb acting only makes him sexier! It also helps that he has to work out for the role of John Harrison and baby let me tell you Muscles look good on Benny! He isn't going to compete against Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth anytime soon, but still it is an impressive change!

  In fact! The change is sooooo amazing they had to put him in a shiny glass prison just so we could see his beautiful sexy self all perfect and unobstructed! Thank you J.J. Abrams for doing that! YOU ARE THE BEST DIRECTOR EVER!!!!!!

   But back to Ben!!!! The 36 year old actor is currently single...... and apparently he is quite the family minded man. Which in my opinion only makes him 100x better! But in all seriousness, this guy I am having a hard time just making random cumberbabe smut out of this because well....

   As an artist, and an aspiring actress, in my eyes I see him as a goal for me to set, as a mentor, someone I can model myself after and study to better improve my own acting. Benedict Cumberbatch clearly throws everything he is into a role and he makes it look easy. You never once doubt for a second that he is not the character he is playing, you forget he's an actor and are merely transported into his story.

      I have posted a wonderful deleted scene from Star Trek off to the side along with a youtube clip of some of Ben's acting over the years! I am looking forward to seeing him in The Hobbit and Smog and The Necromancer! And also in the new season of Sherlock which premiers on the 24th of November if I remember correctly!

    On the Jo Archer scale he is an 8 and very very very very very sexay! Hehe sorry I still think he's sexy even if I do admire him as an artist! I guess you could say sometimes I fangirl over the performance more than the performer! But hey! At least I can say I am not totally shallow in this book right?! New article soon!

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