Guy 12: Hayden Christensen.

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A/N Hi Guys! I'm back! This story has over 500 reads in less than a week! Needless to say I am very happy about that! Also my updates may be a little slower since I have a new laptop and of course going from Windows Vista to Windows 8 is a tad difficult! I have figured most of it out but its very different! Also I am being forced to use a trial version of Office till i cann get the program to download it fully into my com! Also my keypad is different.... yes now I am just rambling on... sorry guys enjoy!


      Hayden Christensen..... most known for playing Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars Episodes 2 and 3. I was inspired to write about him because my younger siblings are currently watching the Star Wars series all the way through!

 I hadn't seen him in Star Wars since I was about 10 I'd say.... and of course a 10 year old looked at him as this big grown up guy where as now the older me sees him as so young watching him now! But that didnt stop me from drooling over him last night!

    Come on! Who didn't love the adorable little ponytail and mini braid he was sporting throughout the movie?! I did.... granted I loved it when Obie One was sporting it too..... hmmm maybe i just have a thing for ponytails!

    Anyway! He was also in Jumper! And he has a few new movies lined up for this year and coming years! Lets just face it though, this guy is seriously sexy! It's written all over his clean cut stern features that just scream, stare at me!

    And the man does look good with a sword.... or I guess its a Lightsaber right?! At any rate this guy is about as sexy as sexy gets! No room for argument there I don't think!

    The 32 year old actor is not single however! His long term companion is Rachel Bilson. She is an actress, I think she currently has a show but I am not positive! At any rate lets just hope this sexy man is in more movies soon!

    ON the Jo Archer scale this man is an 8.5 and he is hot and sexy, very very sexy....I think he gets that from the stern features! Anyhoo pic to the side!

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