Guy 6: Liam Hemsworth

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A/N Kicking off extreme sexy with a baby Hemsworth bro! I love Liam even though I have not seen him in near as much as his big sexy bro Chris (more on him later... ;) Anyhoo enjoy Sexy Liam!!!!! Hehehe


    Liam Hemsworth..... if any baby brother gave big bro a run for his money it's Liam! This guy has taken the world by storm.... alongside his brother of course. There are literally so few words to describe how hot and sexy Liam is... but I am going to try!

     The Hunger Games (Lucky Jen lawrence!) The Last Song, The Expendables 2.... these are just a few of the movies that Liam has been in! Let me say that when the Aussie's go to make celebrities they know how to do it right!

   Liam is just one of many Hottie's the Aussie's have produced over the years! And I am not even going to attempt to list all of them right now! But Liam is definitely one of the hottest!

    I must say I am very eager to see him have a bigger part as Gale in Catching Fire this year.... I am a Team Peeta girl all the way! But if I had known that Gale was going to be this sexy in the movies I might have changed my mind sooner!

   The 23 year old actor is sadly not single. He is in a long term relationship, engaged actually to Miley Cyrus. The two have been involved romantically since they starred side by side in the Nicholas Sparks movie The Last Song. If you didn't know that then you are just really not in the loop sorry....

   Liam Hemsworth is a 9 on the Jo Archer scale and he is HOT HOT HOT!!! AND SEXY SEXY SEXY!!!!!!! Hehe I just might need my own drool cloth!

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