Guy 14: Tom Hiddleston

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A/N I know I am finally doing one on him guys! Took me long enough I know! But here he is now! In all of his sexy British glory!


    Tom, Tom, Tom.....where to begin. Can I say that I didnt find him sexy as Loki when I first saw him without getting my head bit off by a fangirl? Well I just did... it wasnt till I started going through this evil villain phase of mine that I thought of him as sexy.

     In all honesty though I havent seen him in much else besides the Avengers and Thor, War Horse obviously, BC (Benedict Cumberbatch) was in that too, but I dont remember seeing him. And everyone knows Loki is a terribly good villain, one of the best!

     I have to say though, are all Brits born sexy? Does God just add a little more sexy genes into that pool or what? I mean almost all Brits are sexy!

  Okay well those guys on Top Gear could use some help (Excluding Richard Hammond, he is kinda sexy) But other than that! Have you ever seen an unsexy Brit? Tom is definitely up there with some of the sexiest though!

    Now as for evil villains, if John Harrison, Loki, and Moriarty got together it would be an epic meeting! And I'mnot just saying that because well I have a thing for all of them! It would be truly epic!

    I cannot for the life of  me find out if the 32 year old actor is seeing anyone (Okay I lied, I made a friend look it up for me, or well she volunteered since she knows I'm too lazy) But at any rate if he is she is a lucky girl....

    Tom is a very sexy Brit, not the sexiest in my opinion but still very sexy he is an 9 on the Jo Archer scale,and like I said... he is VERY SEXY! 

Pic of Tom to the side, I think all of you fangirls will squeel on site! Also very funny vid take a look! I MEAN IT THE VID IS HILARIOUS! WATCH IT!

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