Guy 13: Hugh Jackman.

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A/N I was planning on saving this guy for later.... but I am posting him now at the request of juniormint2019! Now I want to make sure I clear one thing up about requests! I appreciate them because well I cannot possibly remember all of the sexy guys in the world! But  if you tell me a guy I don't think is sexy.... then I probably will not do one on him! Now luckily I have not had this problem... all of you guys have excellent taste in men! I am just warning you all so no one gets offended if that issue happens to arise later on! Thanks guys! Keep up the awesome suggestions!


      Hugh Jackman.... where can I even start this is hard! The man is timeless, it seems like he never ages and yet he has been in Hollywood since the 90's! (that may not seem like a very long tiime to some of you... but I was born in the 90's trust me it feels like a long time!)

     He has played so many diverse roles and he does them all so well. But he is probably most known for playing Logan aka The Wolverine, in the X-Men series! In fact he has a new origins movie coming out in July I think... it's called The Wolverine. Imagine that?

    He is a phenomenal actor though and I have made it my mission to see more of his movies than just X-Men, and no Les Miserables is not the only one I have seen. Hugh Jackman has done far more than people realize I think, starring in movies like The Prestige (awesome movie, you should see it), Kate and Leopold (one of my all time faves!), Van Helsing (definitely and interesting movie), and who could forget Real Steal?

   But even those are just a few of the movies he has been in! And all ofH them are excellent I assure you! I have to say though when I saw Les Mis I walked into that theatre going "This has Hugh Jackman in it I cant wait to see it!" But when that opening scene started I slipped into a state of denial that the deformed figure before me was actually the sexy man I know and love.

    I almost freaked out in the theatres upon seeing his appearance I tell you. But then again who wouldnt right?  Hugh Jackman is in my opinion one of the most attractive men in Hollywood, doesn't anyone remember Australia? I mean come on! That movie was not only awesome but he was freaking sexy in that!

    But contrary to the roles he plays Hugh is really a friendly fun loving guy! He has hosted the Academy Awards four times I think, he is known for being sweet and caring. He is a loving family mad who has been married for 16 years.

    So not only is he sexy, but he really is the perfect man, or so it seems. Obviously we can never truly know him unless we were to meet him and become his friend, but his image and the way he comes across certainly makes him seem perfect!

    The 44 year old Australian actor is married and has two adopted children with his wife of 16 years.Even though she is about 10 years older than him they seem to get along perfectly despite the age gap and Hugh has said multiple times that he loves his wife more than anything in the world.... great, now I'm really jelous of her.

    Hugh is a 9 on the Jo Archer scale and I am probably going a little under, in some cases  he can topa 9.5 which is hard to do! But he is also super sexy, super super sexy.Pic of Hugh to the side! Complimentary drool rags included!

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