Author Note

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I know I havent updated for you guys in awhile and I plan on getting another article up soon but I kinda wanted to clear some things up about the scale.

     Alright here is how the scale works. I am trying to grade each guy based not only off of my scale but how other people think he might rank. Like alot of these guys I would give them a 10 if I could. And if any guy on this list is lucky enough to get a 10 if I was ever lucky enough to have that guy want to marry me, I might choose a guy who is an 8 on the list because well some of these guys just hold a very special place in my heart.

    Benedict Cumberbatch for example is by far not the hottest guy on my list. But in my mind he is, he is so sweet and caring and just altogether one of the sweetest guys ever in my opinion. But that doesnt mean that I can go all willy nilly on my scoring.

    I dont expect you all to agree with me on how I rank every guy. But I just want you to know that its opinions too and everyone needs to respect that. Also my number scale is only based on hottness. There is a separate sexiness scale people seem to be missing. So even though a guy may only get an 8 he still may get a 10 in the sexiness depo. Dont ask me how this works, my brain doesnt really know what its doing!

I hope this cleared some things up for anyone who is confused or perterbed by this. Trust me if I could give every guy I was in love with an honest 10 I would! But I cant..... that wouldnt be exactly fair.

                                                                                                     Jo aka Mini Moffat.

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