Say You Love Me: Chapter Eighteen

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MIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! If it wasnt for you i wouldnt have bothered to upload *Sigh* Thankss.. I needed that :]

Sorry Dudes and Dudettes for not uploading frequently recently.. But here it is! CHAPTER 18!! *Dance* Hope you like it, love it, hate whatever just enjoy it -(RinandRox)

Chapter 18:

"Okay, there!", the camera flashed in my face as I slid sideways on the rollerskates, "That was beautiful", complimented Bronwen, giving me a thumbs up.

I turned to Justin and he was strapping his rollerskates. He looked so concentrated, it was kinda cute.

"Jay, it's your turn now", I waved him over.

"Alright", he stood and skated over as I skated off the picture taking area, "No Charlye, take them with me", he held my arm and smiled.

"Okay", I allowed him to pull me.

"Okay. Justin you stand here whilst Charlye, you stand here... Tilt your foot a little and bend down a little more... Perfect. Justin, skate forwards and skid after I say three"


"1... 2... 3!"

He skated forwards his arms swinging, he then turned sideways and skidded.

"There! That was a wonderful shot! Just wonderful!", she praised us after snapping the picture.

We took many many pictures. Just having fun and making crazy poses, smiles streatched from ear to ear... On both me, Justin, but also Bronwen, the photo helpers and make-up artists.

"Charlye... Can we take pictures... Like together. -Normal pictures if you get what I mean", he said skating towards me.

"Sure, but what do you mean by normal pictures?", I asked slightly unsure.

"You know crazy pictures that look like we took them in a bedroom by ourselves and stuff".

"Ah! Okay. We can even make a scrapbook or photo album together.. Is that okay for us to have like a bedroom scene?", I asked Bronwen. She nodded and walked away towards the $$scene set up. I turned around to a smiling Justin.

"Why so happy Mr. Combs?", I said, looking him in the eyes.

"Nothing just thinking", he said shrugging his shoulders, still smirking. I wonder what he's thinking!

We walked back to the makeup artists and got natural looking make up on.

"So I see your into Justin", said Linda, the makeup artist.

"Yeah..", I said shyly.

"Awh! I remember those days", she said going into a slight day dream, then continued doing my make up, whilst the hairstylist played around with my hair.

. . .

"Tada! I'm finished mon cherie", Linda turned the chair and made me see the make up.

"Nice and down to earth", I said admiring it. Through the mirror I could see Justin in a plain white v-neck t-shirt that showed his sculpted chest and jeans. He looked so nice, just seeing him made my heart pump even faster.

"Hairstyling time!!!", shouted the hairstylist. I smiled at his enthusiasm and sat in the chair infront of him.

"Because the scene is very simple, i'm just going to straighten your hair okay?", he said lifting my hair up at different corners of my head. I nodded and then he started.

I sat there for freaking 30minutes just trying to get my hair straightened because the guy said it kept on going wrong because my hair is very rebellious, but on the bright side it was worth the wait. My hair looked so different once again.

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