Say You Love Me: Chapter Three

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Hey Reader :) 

I'm sooo sorry it took me so long to upload chapter 3! 

Been way too busy doing school work & stuff :/  

Please Vote,Comment(good & bad, don't really mind) and Fan! 

My aim is to have at least 15 votes and 10 Fans 



Chapter 3: 

I slowly walked back to my cabin, when I entered it, there was a group of girls sitting everywhere. On the floor, table, chairs and sofas. Where is kayla? They all started to whisper.

"Wow he's really here I got his autograph. Eek !", One of the girls said screaming loudly like a total girly girl, how annoying, they were obsessing over justin and his brother Quincy. Maybe they're the ones that screamed and caused so much commotion. I went and sat down on the floor next to them but they shuffled to the otherside of the room. Wow! Rude much.

"You met justin combs right?", I waited for one of them to speak but none of them did.

"I've been hanging out with him for the past 15 minutes", I said loudly making sure they could all hear me whilst I walked up the stairs. All of their heads snapped in my direction and they gasped.

"Really?!", kayla shouted excitedly revealing herself after hiding inbetween them. She was there too?

"Pfft... Liar! You just wish you did", one of them said.

"Um yeah... Why are you so interested?",I said ignoring the girl that spoke and looked at Kayla raising an eyebrow.

"No reason and I know you're lying, Justin would never hang out with someone like you", she said confidently smirking at the group of girls who suddenly started giggling. Maybe she was fake sleeping when I left just so she could see him but she was still there when I came back... How did she do it?

"Are you sure you were really sleeping when I left and came back? Because if you were you wouldn't have seen justin"

"Well why don't you just continue your business and we'll continue ours?", she suggested in a very rude manner.

"Excuse me?", I said acting like I didn't hear her and cupped my right ear.

"I said why don't you just stop bugging me? Cos if you continue I'm gonna have to throw you out of my cabin!", she shouted ferociously.

No one ever spoke to me like that these are the reasons why:

1• I don't appreciate being spoken to like that when I put so much effort in trying to be polite. 

2• it just pisses me off and gets me so angry! 

3• I will knock her teeth out of her pretty face if she doesn't stop being a total bitch infront her friends because I have a history for doing such things.

I clenched my hands tightly resisting the urge to hit her and walked over to her.

"You see, people like you are like coins one side they're nice, but on the other side they're utter bitches. Oh and by the way I'll be happy to leave THIS cabin!", I said shouting at her leaving her shocked.

I went up to my room and slammed the door behind me. I can't believe she was just like that, I mean I got rude to her aswell but it wasn't my fault she started it, so I ended it... I called the office and booked another cabin for two weeks. I looked at my phone and saw that I had 2 text messages and they said:

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