Say You Love Me: Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17:

Charlye's POV

I felt a sharp headache, beneath me was Justin gasping for air, my hands tightly locked around his neck. I tried releasing him but nothing... My body wouldn't respond to me.

"Justin! I'm sorry!", I screamed but nothing left my mouth, someone unexpected answered: "He can't hear you... No one can. It's only me and you darling, only me and you"

Be strong Charlye, be strong! I repeated to myself whilst the other voice in my head tryed to shut all my self support down.

"Ahhh! Go away in the name of the father, son and holy spirit! The virgin Mary that gave birth to Jesus, our saviour, our salvation! God is my god, you are a demon", I continued, the mental conflict between me and big man was becoming one sided, "LEAVE ME ALONE", I shouted at the top of my voice and finally I could it hear it from my own lips.

Then blackness washed over me.

. . .

I opened my eyes, the light shining above was blinding me.

I blinked and Justin's face was there..

"Charlye... Charlye... Can you hear me?", I heard in a very muffled voice.

As I regained my hearing and sight properly I could hear Justin's calls clearly.

"Charlye... Charlye-", he kept calling. I sat up and hugged him round the neck in a quick swift movement.

"I- I was so scared, I'm sorry I hurt you", tears streamed down my cheeks as I held tightly to the back of his shirt, holding him as close as I possibly could, I abruptly stopped crying.

"Where's Yoko?!", i burst out, panicking searching the room with my eyes.

"She's sleeping and don't worry she's okay. How are you feeling?", Justin asked as he picked me up bridal style and brought me up to the room where Yoko was sleeping on the mini sofa.

"I'm good I guess. What happened? I don't remember anything apart from the last moments", I asked curiously. If anything happened apart from that I wouldn't know, it's all a blur.

"Don't worry baby, I'll explain later just get some rest", Justin said as he kissed my forehead. Soon after my eyes became heavy and I fell fast asleep.

. . .

I felt something shaking me. I opened my eyes.

"Hey Charlye, miss me?", I stared eyes open wide at the person looking down at me... Myself.

Standing besides me at the side of the bed, with a sinister grin on her face.

"What- how- who...", I sat up and moved to the top of the bed, "You're..."

"Me", we said at the same time.

"I told you your God can't beat me", she laughed with her hand on her belly.

"Y-you... It's y-you", I pointed, my hands trembling.

"Ofcourse! Think you can get rid of me that easy? Ha, you're mistaken!"

"In the name of-"

"Ah ah ah! Save it", she raised her hand towards me and my lips sealed. Literally, "Your soul's mine now!"

She dragged her hands, making a hand sign and my body froze. It felt as though I was being tied down but nothing was holding me down.

"What's happening? Let me go please! I will stay out of your way! I want nothing to do with you!", I struggled but I was going nowhere, "Please, I'm sorry!", I begged and pleaded.

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