She unlocks it and holds the door open for me as if this is the most normal occurrence.

We stand in the same spots for a few more seconds before she rolls her eyes.

"I completely forgot that you don't know as much as Dallon did when he was here." She chuckles.

"This is the staff room. You're probably tired of eating healthy food everyday so I am willing to buy a bag of chips for you from the vending machine." She tells me and I nod as I slowly walk in.

"You don't talk much." She states as she lets the machine eat the five dollar bill until its almost gone and then pulls it out before doing it again.

She gets us two bags of chips and we sit at a table as we eat.

"That machine is so old." She laughs.

I laugh a bit too which makes her smile.

"Is lil Brenny boy coming out of his shell?" She asks and pouts like a five year old.

"Nope." I say but keep the smile on my face.

"Mhm sure." She muses as she eats a few chips.

We talk about music and tv shows before throwing out our empty chip bags and going back to the lounge.

We flip through some channels before a girl with short blue hair walks in.

She looks nervous as all hell and a little annoyed.

"Hello!" Hayley says in her cheery tone.

"Hey." The girl says as she sits on the other couch.

"I'm Hayley, this is Brendon and you are?" Hayley asks as she raises her eyebrows.

"Ashley." She mumbles as she looks at her lap.

"Who's your nurse?" Hayley asks and Ashley looks up.

"I think their names are William and Zach." She says.

"Zach is really nice. Don't think about sneaking anything in with him though." Hayley tells her and Ashley visibly pales.

"What would he do if he caught me?" She asks.

"He would report it in a heartbeat. William would just flush it and tell you that it shouldn't happen again. He does the three chances rule." Hayley shrugs as she stands up.

"I'm gonna call Dodie and see what time she gets here for the night." Hayley says as she skips off back to the staff room.

"What are you here for?" Ashley asks me.

"Cocaine addiction. A little bit of an alcohol addiction too I guess." I shrug. "You?"

"Ecstasy and shrooms. I'm not addicted but my mom likes to think I am so she can get me out of the house." She chuckles.

"I told my boyfriend that I would sober up." I smile at the thought of Dallon.

"Cute." She says with a bored tone.

"Are you hiding anything in your room?" I ask and her eyes widen once again.

"No!" She answers quickly.

"You're gonna wanna flush it sooner or later. A guy named Bert got caught with some stuff and now he's under twenty four hour security." I tell her.

She stares at me for a few seconds before bolting off to her room.

She probably doesn't want to be here for a long time. I don't either.

I'm going to make myself better and then go home to Dal. I'm going to marry him.

Everything is really falling into place and I could not be more grateful.



School is really just sucking the life out of me.



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