Imagine Damian Wayne

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Imagine Damian getting his wisdom teeth removed...............

"It's ok Damian, most people have to get their wisdom teeth removed, you're not alone." Dick looked at his younger brother in the rear view mirror. 

Damian honestly wasn't nervous, he knew that almost everyone had to go through this.  

Tim shook his head, "Oh Dick look I think you scared him even more." 

Damian rolled his eyes. 

"No I think that's just Damian's face." Jason said looking at the two in the back seats. 

"It's too bad Bruce couldn't have made it to see the aftermath though.  He was there for all three of us." Tim gestured to Jason and Dick. 

"Yeah, he was there to record the aftermath for Alfred so he could make it into a home video." Dick scoffed, getting the chills. 

Tim nodded, "And after you saw the recording of yourself you got to see the recording of the other family members who got their wisdom teeth removed.  Then a vote is taken to see which video you thought was the funniest." 

Jason added, "It's too bad we can't tell you about the details of the videos, they're hilarious." 

"Why can't you tell me?" Damian asked. 

"Family rule, you can't tell anyone about the details, ruins the fun of seeing them in real life."  Jason winked at Dick, who in return rolled his eyes. 

Damian crossed his arms, "So you're telling me that there are videos of you, Grayson and Drake getting your wisdom teeth removed, and I get to see them once I'm done." 

Jason nodded, "Yep, there's even one of Bruce." 

Damian spat out a laugh, "There is a video of Father?" 

The three older boys nodded and hummed.

"Nice." Damian said.

Dick put the car in park, "We're here, everyone, file out." 


Damian might have been lying a little when he said he wasn't nervous.  Now that he was sitting in the chair staring at the nurses who were in the room, he realized how scared he was.  The needle the anesthesia was in didn't bother him too much, just made him a little loopy, and light headed.  

 "Count to ten honey." 

Damian nodded, "One.....two.....three.....four.....five.....six" His vision was flickering in and out like a light, ".....sev.." His voice stopped. 

"Why don't you go sit outside with you brothers now son, we're going to begin pretty soon." 

Dick smiled and nodded. 

"And don't you worry Mr. Grayson, we'll take good care of him." The nurse said as Dick left the room. 


"Dick get the camera ready, I think he's coming around." Tim nudged Dick. 

Dick fumbled around with his phone but got it up in time to record Damian. 

"Grayson?" Damian's muffled voice came out in sections. 

"Hey Damian, how do you feel?" 

Damian squinted his eyes and looked around, "I feel -" He paused to take in his surroundings some more, "I feel -" He paused again, as if he was thinking, "I feel like we need a new vacuum." 

"You what?" Tim asked. 

"Alfred said he was vacuuming the other day and it started to make a weird noise." Damian's voice raised a pitch, like he was worried, "But I don't think anything is wrong with it." He sighed and whispered, "I think Stephanie accidentally dropped one to many bobby pins." He shook his head, "Poor vacuum just couldn't handle it." 

Jason covered his mouth to keep from laughing to loud. 

"Damian," Dick spoke. 


"How does your mouth feel?" 

"Like a teddy bear." 

"What do you mean?" Tim asked. 

"Stuffed." Damian responded. 

"Are you hungry?" Jason cut in. 

Damian sighed and thought about it for a minute, "Oui." 

"Is that a yes?" asked Dick. 

Damian nodded his head, "Grayson." He whispered.

"Yes, Damian." 

"Am I your favorite?" He asked in the same whispering voice. 

Dick was quiet for several seconds thinking about how he should answer.

Damian's lip quivered, "Am I not your favorite?" 

"Uh, no y-"

Tears streamed down Damian's face, "I'm not - your favorite." He said in between cries. 

Jason and Tim started to laugh silently.

Jason snorted, "Dick, how could you break the poor kids heart." 

"What? I didn't say he wasn't my favorite." 

"Yes you did Dick." Tim said. 

Damian started to cry even more, "How could you Grayson? I thought we were friends.  I thought you believed in me.  I thought - I thought I was your favorite!" He cried more. 

"Shhhh, Damian that's not what I said, you cut me off before I could finish my sentence." Dick knelt beside Damian. 

Damian screamed like a little kid, "Get away from me you jerk!" 

Jason and Tim attempted to hold in their laughs again. 

Damian continued to scream as he pulled out his sword. 

The three older boys went pale as they hadn't realized Damian brought his sword and managed to bring it into the building. 


"My word, young Masters what happen?" Alfred gasped as he saw the three. 

"Damian happened." Tim answered.

"To be more specific a high Damian happened." Jason added. 


Damian thought long and hard, "Well all of them were very funny, but I have to say, Dick's was the funniest."

"Well it's funny to you guys, for me it's just plain embarrassing." Dick looked at the ground. 

Jason smiled and looked at Tim, "Oh nurse, help me nurse." 

Tim smirked and played along, "What is it sweetie?" 

"I think I'm broken!" Jason imitated Dick. 

Tim gasped continuing to act as the nurse, "Why? Where?" 

Jason pointed at his lips, "Right here, on the lips." 

Tim fake swooned as the two continued to mock Dick. 

"That's enough you two, I was like 16 you couldn't blame me for having a crush on the hot nurse." 

"Are you sure it wasn't more than a crush, I mean you did try to kiss her." Tim asked. 

Jason corrected, "He did kiss her." 

Thank you to batfamilypics for this idea!

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