Imagine Damian Wayne

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Imagine Damian on Valentine's Day........

Damian frowned at all the decorations strung up throughout the manor.  He hated this time of year, he wasn't sour because he didn't have a date or anything, he generally hated the day.  Everything about the day made him barf.  The color, the couples, the smell, and the chocolate. 

"Lighten up Damian, it's just Valentine's Day." Jason shook Damian, "Are you just mad because you don't have a date?" 

Damian scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous Todd.  Whoever wastes their money on this day is a fool. It's just another day for businesses to sell more of their cards."

Dick stared at Damian and frowned, "Wow Damian, what is wrong with you.  What's wrong with showing your significant other how much you love them?"

"Grayson, if you can't show your significant other how much you love them any time of the year on any day I'm pretty sure you have a problem.  Why do we have to have a day set aside just to show our affection, we should be doing that everyday, not just one day out of the year." 

Jason stood frozen, "Wow, you and Bruce man.  You have something against this holiday." 

Stephanie rolled her eyes, "Damian makes a valid point."

Tim nodded, "And Jason, it's not a holiday.  Not an official one at least." 

"You guys are just haters." Dick wiped away a fake tear.  "It's Valentine's Day." 

"Yeah." Jason agreed. 

Bruce walked in disturbing the conversation, "Alright guys, we all have our different views.  No matter how true one may be over the other." He mumbled. 

"Yes thank you father, I thought these two imbeciles would never shut up." Damian gestured to Dick and Jason, then crossed his arms. 

Stephanie smacked herself in the face, "Tim, wanna get out of here before they bring us into it." 

Tim nodded as the two made their escape out of the kitchen. 


"Here Damian, I know we have our differences, but I want you to have this." Dick handed Damian a bag of candy. 

Damian examined the bag of candy, "This is my favorite type of candy, how did you know Grayson?" 

"Well I didn't, all I knew is that you didn't like chocolate." He nervously scratched the back of his head.  "Happy Valentine's Day Damian." 

Damian frowned, "Happy Hallmark Day Grayson." 

Apologies, it is short.

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