Imagine Damian Wayne

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Imagine Damian just having a bad day and needing a hug................

"Hey squirt what's wrong?" Dick sat down next to Damian on his bed. 

Damian sighed deeply, "It's nothing Grayson." 

Dick looked at the 13 year old worriedly, "Are you sure, it certainly doesn't look like nothing.  Did something happen at school that we need to know about?" 

Shaking his head Damian replied, "No.  I'm fine Grayson really, nothings wrong, nothing happened.  I promise." 

"You've been locked up in your room ever since you got home from school.  I'm here if you need to talk to me." 

Dick made his way back downstairs and into the kitchen were Alfred was baking.  "Hey Alfred, I'm pretty sure something's bothering Damian.  I think he's having a really bad day."

"Did you speak with him Master Dick?" 

"Yes, but I couldn't get through to him, I might talk to Bruce.  See if he can go and talk to him when he has some free time." 

"I think that's a great idea."


Damian's permanently frowned face made an appearance in the kitchen.  No one was in there, which Damian was thankful for, because he just needed water, then he would be back upstairs. 

"Hey Damian." Jason noticed the kid when he got into the refrigerator.

Damian didn't respond and continued to get his water. 

Jason shook his head in disbelief, "Wow, that's surprising.  No '-tt-' or 'Shut up Todd, you good from nothing imbecile'."

Damian sighed and went on his way back to the stairs. 

Once Jason was alone he scratched his head, "My gosh.  He must be sick." 

Tim passed Damian on the stairs.  A dark cloud was seen over Damian head.  Tim turned around to get a better look at Damian, "What's wrong with you?" 

Damian ignored Tim and continued walking up the stairs.  Tim shrugged and made his way downstairs. 


"Hey Bruce." Dick knocked on the door to Bruce's study.

Bruce's voice called back to Dick, "Yes Dick, come in." 

Dick gave him a small smile, "Bruce, something is wrong with Damian.  He's not himself today.  I'm pretty sure something happen at school."

"Did you talk to him?" 

Dick nodded, "Yes, but he wasn't telling me anything." 

Jason barged into the room, "Hey Bruce, something is wrong with Damian.  I'm pretty sure he's sick.  He's not his usual self, I mean he made no snarky comment to me when I spoke to him." 

"You noticed it to Jason?" asked Dick. 

"Uh yeah, the kid's off today." 

"And he's been locked in his room all day." Tim walked into, adding his input. 

Bruce set down his papers, "All three of you saw this?" 

The three nodded in response. 

"What about Stephanie?  Is she even here today?" Bruce asked.

Tim shook his head, "Her and Alfred went shopping earlier." 

Bruce nodded, "Ok, I'll talk to him later, thank you for telling me." 


Bruce knocked on Damian's door, "Damian, I'm coming in." 

When the door was opened, Damian was sitting on his bed.  All of his school papers were scattered over his bed. 

"All your brothers are worried about you.  You've been in your room all day and you haven't been rude to Tim." Bruce took a seat next to Damian on his bed, "Why do you have all your school papers all over the bed?" 

Damian looked down in shame, "I'm sorry Father." 

"For what?"

Damian picked up a certain paper, "I know you will be disappointed in my if I show this to you.  But I need to get it off my chest." He handed Bruce the paper. 

Bruce examined the paper, "What's wrong with it?" 

Damian pointed at the grade he had gotten.

"You got a 78%?" Bruce rose an eyebrow. 

"I'm sorry Father, it happened Monday this week.  I went on patrol Sunday night and forgot to study." 

"You think I'm disappointed at this?" Bruce frowned as Damian looked down in shame, "I would never go that low.  This isn't even a bad grade, I don't know what's gotten into you." 

"Yes, but you tell me I'm a grade A student.  For me to get a 78% isn't normal." 

Bruce laughed, "Damian, don't let this get to you.  Grades determine nothing.  The world today, makes it to where they determine everything.  But in all reality, it's just a number.  Nothing more." Bruce pulled Damian into a hug, "Don't let this number control and judge your life.  Ok?" 

Damian embraced his father back and nodded, "I won't father." 

Thank you GIRLONFIYAH14 for the request! 

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