Imagine Tim Drake

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Imagine Tim and his coffee...............

"Tim." Stephanie sung as she walked into his study. 

Tim sleep-deprived eyes stared at Stephanie, "What is it Steph?" 

"Don't you think you should get some sleep?  When was the last time you go a full eight hours." 

Tim laughed nervously, "Does it matter?" 


He scratched the back of his head, "Uh.  I don't remember off the top of my head." 

Stephanie pinched the bridge of her nose, "Oh Tim." She glanced down at the coffee cup Tim had on his desk, "How much coffee have you had?" 

The cup was huge, at least a 16 ounce. 

"Stephanie -"

"Oh my goodness." She slapped herself. 


Jason, Dick and Damian were peacefully lounging on the couch watching a movie.  Nothing was currently disturbing them, and they were all getting along.  


Jason looked up from his phone and glanced at the ceiling, "Dang it.  I missed it." 

"Wow Jason, you're always on time what happened?" Dick looked worriedly at Jason. 

He shrugged and looked back down at his phone, "I think my sense is broken." 

Stephanie came running downstairs, out of breath from laughing, "You guys.  Tim just stood up and fainted!"

"Is it because he drank too much coffee again." Dick started. 

Damian added, "And he doesn't get more than thirty minutes of sleep."

Stephanie snorted, "Yeah!" 

"Well did you check on him?" Asked Dick. 

Stephanie nodded trying to hold back more laughs.


"Master Timothy!" Alfred yelled from the kitchen, "No more coffee until you get a full eight hours of sleep!" 

Dick and Jason looked at one another, "I've never heard Alfred yell that loudly." said Jason. 

Nodding in agreement, Dick responded, "Neither have I." 

"But Alfred, I need my coffee!" 

"Master Timothy, you drink coffee like it's death, you need to start a healthier life.  By getting more sleep, and drinking less coffee." 

"Allllllffffffreeeed." Tim whined. 

Alfred shook his head in disappointment, "You, Master Tim, are such a big baby." 


Tim arose from his seat, his had dizzier than normal.  But then again, when wasn't his head dizzy after he drank several cups of coffee and hadn't slept in over 24 hours.

"TIMBER!" Jason yelled from downstairs as Tim fainted from exhaustion. 


Jason had a feeling, Tim had just gotten up and he was tired.  He smirked, he was about to disturb the peace of the manor. 

Stephanie, Dick, Damian, and Bruce were all in the same room as he. 


A loud bang was heard from upstairs. 

Dick smiled, "Jason, your sense is back!" 

Bruce look up from his papers and glared at Jason, "Jason, that wasn't very nice.  You know your brother has problems." 

"Hey at least my sense is back!" Jason said happily. 

Dick, Damian Jason, and Stephanie looked among one another. 

Dick finally sighed, "Fine.  I'll go check on him." 

I'm really sorry this took so long to get out.  Thank you harleen1441 for the idea! 

I apologize it is shorter than usual. 

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