Imagine Tim Drake

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Imagine Tim being mistaken and teased about his superhero name...........

Tim dropped the woman down to the other people who were gathered around watching the building burn.

"Don't worry ma'am, you're safe now." Tim gave the woman a nice smile, she, returned the favor.

Tim pulled out his grappling hook out and shot it towards the building Stephanie was on. He overheard the lady talking to the another bystander. "Who is that guy?" She asked.

"Red Robin."

"What? I didn't ask for a burger joint. What's the name of the superhero that saved me?" She pointed to the building that was slowly drowning in water because of the firefighters.

"And I just told you, Red Robin." The man crossed his arms.

"That superheros name is Red Robin?" One of her eyebrows raised, as her head went from the building to the man. "Really? He's named after a burger joint?"

"That's his name." The man nodded.

The lady started laughing uncontrollably.

Tim shook his head and met up with Stephanie, who was also laughing when he approached her. "Wow, that lady, is really laughing hard. Wonder what she's laughing at." She looked at Tim, who was glaring at her. "Oh, you." She started laughing even harder.


"So guys, I was thinking about going out for dinner tonight wanna come?" Jason twirled his keys around on his pointer finger.

Stephanie, Dick, Damian and Tim all lifted their heads from their phones. "Is that even a question?" Damian replied and shot up from his seat, Dick followed both standing up next to Jason.

"Wait, is this another 'I'll drive but you'll end up paying' nights?" Stephanie squinted her eyes at Jason.

"No Steph! I swear I'll pay."

Tim and Stephanie exchanged glaces before she shrugged her shoulders and stood next to Dick. Tim followed after her. "So where are we going to eat?" Dick asked.

"I don't know. Any suggestions?" Jason looked at the people who where standing next to him.

"Jose Peppers?" Damian suggested.

"Texas Rode House?" Dick said right after Damian.

"Oh no I have it!" Jason cut Tim off before he could say anything. "Red Robin." Jason sung.

"Yum!" Dick continued.

"I'll say so." Stephanie crossed her arms and examined Tim.A red blush creeps over Tim's face, Stephanie throws her head back laughing, as the others move the garage. "Come on Boy Blusher, we don't want to be late."

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