Imagine the Bat Boys

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Imagine the bat boys trying to open a pickle jar, and ultimately failing......

Jason walked into the kitchen finding Dick standing at the island, he is on his tip toes. Jason slowly backed away, holding his hands up and running off.

Dick once again tried unscrewing the lid of the pickle jar. "OH COME ON! The universe must hate me!" Dick slammed the pickle jar back on the table and crossed his arms pouting.

"Uh Dick? You ok?" Tim cautiously tiptoed up towards Dick and the pickle jar.

"NO! I'm not ok! The stupid pickle jar won't open!" Dick puffed air out his nose.

"Here, let me try." Tim grabbed the lid in one hand and the glass cup in the other. "Herrrr!" He tried with all he had, but fell on the floor from how straight his face was.

"Try it with this." Dick handed Tim a rag. Tim tried with the rag, but shook his head in disbelief. "Hmm." Dick tapped his chin. "Oh!" He grabbed the jar and hit it with the side of the counter. He smiled confident that it would open.

Tim and Dick had several more attempts at popping the thing open Tim to slammed the jar on the counter. "I GIVE UP!" Tim and Dick both took seats at the island, both staring at the pickle jar.

Slight mumbling was heard coming from the living room. "So yeah, but then I told Roy that-what's wrong with you two?" Jason crossed his arms and smirked. They both sighed. Jason spun the jar around to look at the pickles, the label read 'easy to open pickle jar.' "Awe, are you guys having a wittle trowble opening the picwle jawr?" Jason said in a baby voice.

Dick and Tim's head slammed down on the counter. "Yes."

"Give it here." He motioned with his fingers. Dick slid the jar over to him, he gripped the pickle jar hard and tried opening it. After several more attempts with just him and the jar face to face, Jason gave up. "DAMN PICKLE JAR HAS GOTTEN THE BEST OF US!" Jason was just burning with flames. He slammed down on the seat next to Tim. "Did you try-"

"Yep." They both said in unison.


"Yep." They said together once again.

They all sighed, "I just wanted a sandwich with pickles on it, now I'm going to starve." Dick covered his face.

It was several more minutes before Damian strolled into the kitchen, he immediately saw the three staring at the jar of pickles. He raised an eyebrow, "Would you like me to try?"

The three shot up. "Yes!"

Damian grabbed the jar. "-tt- weaklings." He twisted the jar as hard as he could. He gave a nervous laugh and re-grabbed it "Hnnn." He took a breath as his face turned red and his knuckles white. He finally put the jar back on the counter and grabbed his sword. He swung it violently at the jar, he smiled and laughed, but looked at his sword which was not in pieces. His face dropped as he took his seat next to Jason. Now all four boys sat at the island staring at the jar.

-30 minutes later-

"When do you think it's going to open?" Tim asked.

"Give it time to think about what it's done." Dick put his hand up. Jason and Damian nodded their head in agreement.


-1 Hour Later-

Stephanie waltzed into the kitchen, happily humming to herself the Bohemian Rhapsody, when she froze seeing the entire family staring at a jar of pickles. "What are we doing?" She laid her chin on the counter and started staring at the pickle jar.

Everyone sighed.

"I see." She replied and moved her hands up to the jar, she touched it ever so slightly and opened the precious pickles. She smiled then twirled around the island where the others were sitting, "You were twisting it the wrong way." She continued humming and twirled out of the kitchen.

The rest of the family's jaws dropped in disbelief.

Imagine the Bat Family....Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя