Imagine Damian Wayne

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Imagine Damian being an angry child.............

Damian woke up on the very bright morning that was a Saturday.  It was in fact morning, but not for much longer, as it was almost noon.  He had a good patrol the night before and the affects wore off on him.  

He made his way downstairs to his other family members.  Suddenly, his once bright day went down the drain. 

"Morning Damian!" Dick's bubbly personality pushed the limits on Damian's personality. 

"Not now Grayson." 

"Oh no, did you have a bad night last night?" Dick frowned sympathetically.

Damian immediately glared at his older brother. 

"Ok then." Dick changed the subject, "Are you hungry, do you want something to eat?  Alfred's not here right now, but I could make you something."

"No thank you Grayson, I can make a sandwich on my own." 

"Are you sure, I am more than willing to make you one."

Damian only shook his head again, collecting all the necessary items to make his sandwich. 

Dick frowned sadly again, "Poor thing." He whispered. "By the way Damian, Bruce is at the tower today, and as you know Alfred's gone for the day.  Bruce left me in charge, let me know if you need anything." 

"Got it." Damian nodded gripping the pickle jar trying to open it. 

"Need some help?" Dick offered. 

"No." Damian said sternly. 

"Here let me just -" He reached for the jar of pickles. 

"I said no Grayson! I can get it!" 

Now frustrated with the thing Damian yelled and pulled his sword out, "STUPID PICKLE JAR! HAD TO GO AND RUIN MY DAY!"  Damian drew his sword back ready to swing. 

"Hey now! Woah woah woah! Let's not go attacking the pickle jar.  What did it ever do to you?" Dick stood between Damian, his sword and the precious pickle jar. 

"It won't let me get pickles for my sandwich." 

Dick sternly looked at Damian. 

"Whatever Grayson, just leave me alone." Damian stormed out of the kitchen and outside.   

He walked the grounds of the Manor.  The sun warming him up and the birds softening the sounds entering his ears.  He closed his eyes for several seconds, but continued to walk.  


Damian's brows sunk.  When he opened his eyes, a tree branch was sitting in front of him. 

He yelled once again, pulling his sword, "You stupid tree branch! You should not ever be here!" He swung his sword and in one clean swipe the tree branch was gone.  "You did not deserve to provide me with oxygen after what you did to me." He growled at the branch that was now on the ground. 

Damian continued on, but only after stepping on the branch making it crack. 


"Jason, Stephanie sit down." Dick gestured.  Once they were seated he continued, "Damian - Damian is acting very strange today.  He's being rash and seems to be very angry at something." 

"Or someone." Stephanie added. 

Jason rose an eyebrow, "How was he being rash?" 

"He tried to attack my precious pickles." 

"And there it is." Jason rolled his eyes standing up. 

Stephanie stood up as well, "Don't you think we should inform Tim about this." 

"Yeah, I can do it." Jason told them. 

"Thank you Jason.  For now you two be careful around him.  He has his sword on him." Dick folded his hands together.

Jason crossed his arms, "And I have my gun, wonder which one's going to win." 

Dick's face paled, "Jason." 


Damian made his way down to the cave, where Tim was currently working on paperwork.  He scoffed seeing him there. 

"Oh come on Damian, what did I do now to make you scoff at me?" 

Damian ignored him and walked towards the sparring room. 

"You're such a brat, you come down here, scoff at me then ignore me.  Unbelievable."  Tim rolled his eyes and looked back down at his papers. 

A sword being pulled sounded throughout the cave, "Drake." 

Tim looked over at Damian, "Damian put that away." 

Damian stood there silent for over five minutes. 

"Uh Damian?" 

Damian yelled and ran right for Tim. 

"AHHHHHHHH!" Tim shoot up and made a B-line straight for the door into the Manor, "DICK HELP ME THERE'S A DEMON CHASING ME WITH A SWORD!" 

Thank you JadeLandrum for the request!

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