dare 83

369 9 6

Alexandreora: I dare Laurens to tap dance on the bathroom floor while Alex is taking a shower

John: seriously though; why these random dares??!

They didn't bother to think of it any longer, they just went to the bathroom to see if Alex was showering. They heard the sound of the shower turn off and walked in. But just as he was going to look into Alex's eyes, he noticed that this person was dark skinned, but darker than Thomas's skin. He looked to the face and saw-




John ran out and slammed the door shut. They slid down the door and sat on the floor.

James: ...still there..?

John: yup..

James: why... why did you even walk in..?

John: I was dared to tap dance while Alexander was showering, but-

James: -clearly I'm not him.

John: yeah, clearly.

James: wait there's something wrong with me?? You don't think I'm enough for you?!

John: god dammit James you know that's not what I mean!

The both were quiet for a while.

James: ...can apologize somehow for.... The view...?

John: I guess you could tap dance with me.

James: I don't have any tap dancing shoes.. Or education... Or interest...

John: I'll teach ya!

And after that, the two spent the night tap dancing in the bathroom, keeping everyone else up. The two had a wonderful bonding moment and became close friends.

Hamilton and Jefferson were both jealous as fuck.

Ask or dare John LaurensWhere stories live. Discover now